package dune-release

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

opam helpers.


val cmd : Bos_setup.Cmd.t

cmd is a command for opam.


val prepare_package : build_dir:Fpath.t -> dry_run:bool -> version:Version.t -> Vcs.t -> string -> (unit, Bos_setup.R.msg) Bos_setup.result
val prepare : dry_run:bool -> ?msg:string -> local_repo:Fpath.t -> remote_repo:string -> opam_repo:(string * string) -> version:Version.t -> tag:Vcs.Tag.t -> string list -> (Vcs.commit_ish, Bos_setup.R.msg) Bos_setup.result

prepare ~local_repo ~version pkgs adds the packages pkg.version to a new branch in the local opam repository local_repo, using the commit message msg (if any). Return the new branch.


module File : sig ... end

opam files

module Descr : sig ... end

descr files.

module Url : sig ... end

url files.

module Version : sig ... end

Opam version.


Innovation. Community. Security.