package dream-html

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

  • since 3.0.0.
val activedescendant : _ string_attr
val atomic : attr
val autocomplete : [ `inline | `list | `both ] to_attr
val braillelabel : _ string_attr
val brailleroledescription : _ string_attr
val busy : attr
val checked : [ `false_ | `true_ | `mixed ] to_attr
val colcount : int to_attr
val colindextext : _ string_attr
val colspan : int to_attr
val controls : _ string_attr
val current : [ `page | `step | `location | `date | `time | `true_ ] to_attr
val describedby : _ string_attr
val description : _ string_attr
val details : _ string_attr
val disabled : attr
val errormessage : _ string_attr
val expanded : bool to_attr
val flowto : _ string_attr
val haspopup : [ `true_ | `menu | `listbox | `tree | `grid | `dialog ] to_attr
val hidden : bool to_attr
val invalid : [ `grammar | `spelling | `true_ ] to_attr
val keyshortcuts : _ string_attr
val label : _ string_attr
val labelledby : _ string_attr
val level : int to_attr
val live : [ `assertive | `off | `polite ] to_attr

⚠️ Screen readers want a live region to be defined statically from page load on a visible element, eg p [id "toast"; `polite] []. The element must not be hidden initially, otherwise the screen reader will continue to ignore it even when its content is changed.

`off since 3.10.0

val modal : attr
val multiline : attr
val multiselectable : attr
val orientation : [ `horizontal | `vertical ] to_attr
val owns : _ string_attr
val placeholder : _ string_attr
val posinset : int to_attr
val pressed : [ `false_ | `mixed | `true_ ] to_attr
val readonly : attr
val relevant : [ `additions | `all | `removals | `text ] to_attr
val required : attr
val roledescription : _ string_attr
val rowcount : int to_attr
val rowindex : int to_attr
val rowindextext : _ string_attr
val rowspan : int to_attr
val selected : bool to_attr
val setsize : int to_attr
val sort : [ `ascending | `descending | `other ] to_attr
val valuemax : float to_attr
val valuemin : float to_attr
val valuenow : float to_attr
val valuetext : _ string_attr

Innovation. Community. Security.