package dolmen
Type and std functions
type value =
| Integer
(*Integers (in base 10 notation), e.g.
| Rational
(*Rational (using quotient notation with '/'), e.g.
| Real
(*Real (using decimal floating point notation with exponent), e.g.
| Binary
(*Bitvector in binary notation, e.g.
| Hexadecimal
(*Bitvector in hexadecimal notation, e.g.
| Bitvector
(*Bitvector litteral.
*)| String
(*String litterals.
Types of lexical values typically encountered.
type t =
| Var
(*Namespace for variables. Not all variables are necessarily in this namespace, but ids in this namespace must be variables.
*)| Sort
(*Namepsace for sorts and types (only used in smtlib)
*)| Term
(*Most used namespace, used for terms in general (and types outside smtlib).
*)| Attr
(*Namespace for attributes (also called annotations).
*)| Decl
(*Namespace used for naming declarations/definitions/statements...
*)| Track
(*Namespace used to track specific values throughout some files.
*)| Value of value
(*The identifier is a value, encoded in a string. Examples include arithmetic constants (e.g.
*)"123456", "123/456", "123.456e789"
), bitvectors (i.e. binary notation), etc...
Namespaces, used to record the lexical scop in which an identifier was parsed.
val hash : t -> int
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Printing function.
val var : t
The variable namespace.
val sort : t
The sort namespace.
val term : t
The term namespace.
val attr : t
Teh attribute namespace.
val decl : t
The declaration namespace.
val track : t
Namespace used for identifiers used for tracking/special identification.