package dolmen
Real operations
Satisfy the required interface for the typing of smtlib's reals
include Dolmen_intf.Term.Smtlib_Real with type t := t
include Dolmen_intf.Term.Smtlib_Arith_Common with type t := t
Satisfy the common interface for TPTP's arithmetic over reals
include Dolmen_intf.Term.Tptp_Tff_Arith_Common with type t := t
Satisfy the real part of the SMTLIB's Float requirements
include Dolmen_intf.Term.Smtlib_Float_Real with type t := t
val mk : string -> t
Bitvector litteral.
Satisfy the common interface for Alt-Ergo's arithmetic types.
include Dolmen_intf.Term.Ae_Arith_Common with type t := t
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"