package dolmen

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A module for Record fields.

type t = term_cst

A record field.

val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit


val hash : t -> int

A hash function for adt destructors.

val equal : t -> t -> bool

An equality function on adt destructors.

val compare : t -> t -> int

A comparison function on adt constructors.

val get_tag : t -> 'a Tag.t -> 'a option

Get the value bound to a tag.

val get_tag_list : t -> 'a list Tag.t -> 'a list

Get the list of values bound to a list tag, returning the empty list if no value is bound.

val get_tag_last : t -> 'a list Tag.t -> 'a option

Get the last value bound to a list tag.

val set_tag : t -> 'a Tag.t -> 'a -> unit

Set the value bound to the tag.

val add_tag : t -> 'a list Tag.t -> 'a -> unit

Bind an additional value to a list tag.

val add_tag_opt : t -> 'a list Tag.t -> 'a option -> unit

Optionally bind an additional value to a list tag.

val add_tag_list : t -> 'a list Tag.t -> 'a list -> unit

Bind a list of additional values to a list tag.

val unset_tag : t -> _ Tag.t -> unit

Remove the binding to the given tag.


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