package diffast-langs-verilog

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Xset = Diffast_misc.Xset
module Otree = Diffast_misc.Otree
module Loc = Diffast_misc.Loc
val sprintf : ('a, unit, string) format -> 'a
type change =
  1. | Cdeleted of bool * node_t * node_t
  2. | Cinserted of bool * node_t * node_t
  3. | Cmodified of node_t * node_t
  4. | Cchanged of bool * node_t * node_t
  5. | Crenamed of bool * node_t * node_t
  6. | Cmoved of node_t * node_t
  7. | Ccardinality_changed of node_t * node_t
type change_to_triples = change -> Diffast_core.Triple.t list
type change_maker = unit -> change list
type change_tag =
  1. | Tdel
  2. | Tins
  3. | Tmod
  4. | Tcha
  5. | Tren
  6. | Tmov
  7. | Tcar
val hash_change : change -> int
val change_to_string : change -> string
type significance =
  1. | Slow
  2. | Smedium
  3. | Shigh
  4. | Scrucial
val score : significance -> int
type change_info = string * string * string * Loc.t * string * Loc.t
type changes = (string * int * string list) list
type change_infos = (string * int * change_info list) list
class change_set : object ... end
val mkilit : int -> Diffast_core.Triple.node
val p_moved_to : Diffast_core.Triple.node
val p_deleted_from : Diffast_core.Triple.node
val p_inserted_into : Diffast_core.Triple.node
val p_pruned_from : Diffast_core.Triple.node
val p_grafted_onto : Diffast_core.Triple.node
val p_gen_removed : Diffast_core.Triple.node
val p_gen_added : Diffast_core.Triple.node
val p_affects_nesting_depth : Diffast_core.Triple.node
val p_nesting_depth : Diffast_core.Triple.node
val p_cardinality : Diffast_core.Triple.node
val make_mkent_pair : < fact_algo : Diffast_core.Triple.Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Diffast_core.Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> < proj_root : 'a ; source_digest : Diffast_core.Triple.Xhash.t ; source_path : string ; version : string ; vkind : Diffast_core.Entity.vkind.. > -> < proj_root : 'b ; source_digest : Diffast_core.Triple.Xhash.t ; source_path : string ; version : string ; vkind : Diffast_core.Entity.vkind.. > -> (< data : < is_phantom : bool ; is_special : bool ; source_fid : string ; src_loc : Diffast_core.Triple.Loc.t ; to_string : string.. >.. > -> Diffast_core.Triple.node) * (< data : < is_phantom : bool ; is_special : bool ; source_fid : string ; src_loc : Diffast_core.Triple.Loc.t ; to_string : string.. >.. > -> Diffast_core.Triple.node)
val is_ghost : < data : < src_loc : Diffast_core.Triple.Loc.t.. >.. > -> bool
val find_from_or_into : 'a -> < root : < data : < src_loc : Diffast_core.Triple.Loc.t.. > ; initial_parent : 'c.. > as 'c.. > as 'b -> < mem_mov12 : 'c -> 'c -> bool.. > -> ?mid_opt:'d option -> 'b -> ('c -> 'c) -> < initial_parent : 'c.. > -> 'c
module F (L : Diffast_core.Spec.LABEL_T) : sig ... end
module CB : sig ... end
val is_always_construct : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_timing_control : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_continuous_assign : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_blocking_assign : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_non_blocking_assign : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_if : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_case : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_case_item : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_case_cond : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_ports : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_port : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_port_dir : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_net_type : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_data_type : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_var_data_type : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_signing : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_ranges : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_variable_dims : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_inst : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_initial_construct : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_final_construct : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_generate_region : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_param_port_decl : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_param_assign : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_reg : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_data_decl_var : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_net_decl : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_wire : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_expr : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_stmt : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_pp_define : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_pp_include : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_if_cond : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_branch : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> int -> bool
val is_then_branch : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_else_branch : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_port_value : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_reg_decl : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val is_wire_decl : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool
val get_unit : < get_nearest_containing_unit : 'a -> < data : < label : string.. >.. >.. > -> 'a -> string
val ids_to_str : string list -> string
val subtree_to_str : < subtree_to_simple_string : 'a -> string.. > -> < gindex : 'a.. > -> string
val get_desc1 : 'a -> < get_ident_use_list : 'b -> string list ; subtree_to_simple_string : 'b -> string.. > -> < data : < label : string.. > ; gindex : 'b.. > -> string
val get_desc2 : < get_ident_use_list : 'a -> string list ; subtree_to_simple_string : 'a -> string.. > -> < get_ident_use_list : 'b -> string list ; subtree_to_simple_string : 'b -> string.. > -> < data : < label : string.. > ; gindex : 'a.. > -> < data : < label : string.. > ; gindex : 'b.. > -> string
val extract : < fact_algo : Diffast_core.Triple.Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Diffast_core.Entity.encoding ; fact_for_changes_basic_flag : bool ; fact_for_changes_flag : bool ; fact_proj : string.. > -> Diffast_core.Spec.tree_t -> Diffast_core.Spec.tree_t -> Diffast_core.Spec.node_t Diffast_core.Node_mapping.c -> < add_edit : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t Diffast_core.Editop.t -> unit ; finalize : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t Diffast_core.Node_mapping.c -> ('a -> bool) -> unit ; find_mid12 : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> Diffast_core.Editop.move_id ; iter : (Diffast_core.Spec.node_t Diffast_core.Editop.t -> unit) -> 'b ; iter_deletes_and_inserts : (Diffast_core.Spec.node_t Diffast_core.Editop.t -> unit) -> 'c ; iter_moves : (Diffast_core.Spec.node_t Diffast_core.Editop.t -> unit) -> 'd ; iter_relabels : (Diffast_core.Spec.node_t Diffast_core.Editop.t -> unit) -> 'e ; mem_mov12 : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> Diffast_core.Spec.node_t -> bool ; mem_mov2 : Diffast_core.Node_mapping.Nodetbl.key -> bool ; remove_edit : Diffast_core.Spec.node_t Diffast_core.Editop.t -> unit.. > -> (string * int * string list) list * Diffast_core.Spec.node_t Diffast_core.Editop.t list * (string * int * (string * string * string * Diffast_misc.Loc.t * string * Diffast_misc.Loc.t) list) list * Diffast_core.Triple.t Diffast_misc.Xset.t

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