package diffast-langs-verilog-parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Layeredloc = Langs_common.Layeredloc
module Astloc = Langs_common.Astloc
module Ast_base = Langs_common.Ast_base
module Loc = Astloc
module LLoc = Layeredloc
module L = Label
class node : ?lloc:LLoc.c option -> ?children:node list option -> L.t -> object ... end
val get_scope_of_pkg_ctys : < get_identifier : 'a ; label : L.t.. > list -> 'a option * 'a list
val get_scope_of_func_id : < children : < children : < get_identifier : 'a ; label : L.t.. > list ; get_identifier : 'a ; label : L.t.. > list ; label : L.t.. > -> 'a option * 'a list
val dummy_node : node
val empty_node : node
val lloc_of_lexposs : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> LLoc.c
val mknode : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> L.t -> node list -> node
val mkleaf : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> L.t -> node
val reloc : Lexing.position -> Lexing.position -> < set_lloc : LLoc.c -> 'a.. > -> 'a
type partial =
  1. | Pdescription_list of node list
  2. | Pmodule_item_list of node list
  3. | Pgenerate_item_list of node list
  4. | Pblock_decl_stmt_list of node list
  5. | Pcase_item_list of node list
  6. | Pcase_inside_item_list of node list
  7. | Pcellpin_list of node list
  8. | Plist_of_ports of node list
  9. | Pexpr of node
val nodes_of_partial : partial -> node list
val is_block_item_declaration : < label : L.t.. > -> bool
val is_stmt : < label : L.t.. > -> bool
val get_last_id : < get_identifier : string.. > list -> string
val get_unquoted : string -> string
val visit : (< children : 'a list.. > as 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> unit
val size : < children : 'a list.. > as 'a -> int
class c : node -> object ... end

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