package diffast-langs-java

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t =
  1. | Name of name
  2. | This
  3. | Literal of Literal.t
  4. | ClassLiteral
  5. | ClassLiteralVoid
  6. | QualifiedThis of name
  7. | InstanceCreation of name
  8. | QualifiedInstanceCreation of name
  9. | NameQualifiedInstanceCreation of name * identifier
  10. | FieldAccess of identifier
  11. | SuperFieldAccess of identifier
  12. | ClassSuperFieldAccess of identifier
  13. | PrimaryMethodInvocation of name
  14. | SimpleMethodInvocation of name
  15. | SuperMethodInvocation of name
  16. | ClassSuperMethodInvocation of name
  17. | TypeMethodInvocation of name * identifier
  18. | ArrayAccess
  19. | ArrayCreationInit
  20. | ArrayCreationDims of dims
  21. | Paren of tie_id
  22. | NameMethodReference of name * identifier
  23. | PrimaryMethodReference of identifier
  24. | SuperMethodReference of identifier
  25. | TypeSuperMethodReference of name * identifier
  26. | TypeNewMethodReference of name
  27. | AmbiguousName of name
  28. | AmbiguousMethodInvocation of name
val get_name : t -> name
val is_named : t -> bool
val is_named_orig : t -> bool
val to_string : t -> string
val strip : t -> t
val anonymize : ?more:bool -> t -> t
val anonymize2 : t -> t
val to_simple_string : t -> name
val to_short_string : ?ignore_identifiers_flag:bool -> t -> string
val to_tag : t -> string * (string * string) list
val of_literal : ?anonymize_int:bool -> ?anonymize_float:bool -> ?anonymize_string:bool -> ?reduce:bool -> Ast.literal -> t
val sep_pat : Str.regexp
val last_of_lname : string -> string
val is_compatible : t -> t -> bool
val common_methods : string Xset.t
val is_common : t -> bool

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