package diffast-langs-cpp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Xlist = Diffast_misc.Xlist
module Xhash = Diffast_misc.Xhash
module Loc = Diffast_misc.Loc
module Spec = Diffast_core.Spec
module Charpool = Diffast_core.Charpool
module Astml = Diffast_core.Astml
module Label = Cpp_parsing.Label
module Ast = Cpp_parsing.Ast
val keyroot_depth_min : int
module type T = sig ... end
val conv_loc : Ast.Loc.t -> Loc.t
include module type of struct include Label end
module XML = Label.XML
val lang_prefix : string
val xmlenc : string -> string
val np : unit -> string -> string
type function_like_macro_spec = Cpp_parsing.Label.function_like_macro_spec = {
  1. fm_params : string list;
  2. fm_va : string;
  3. mutable fm_param_occur_count : int list;
type macro_kind = Cpp_parsing.Label.macro_kind =
  1. | ObjectLike
  2. | FunctionLike of function_like_macro_spec
  3. | MK_DUMMY
val make_func_like : string list -> string -> macro_kind
val macro_kind_to_string : macro_kind -> string
val macro_kind_to_rep : macro_kind -> string
val macro_kind_to_attrs : macro_kind -> (string * string) list
type t = Cpp_parsing.Label.t =
  1. | DUMMY
  2. | EMPTY
  5. | DECLS
  6. | MEM_DECLS
  7. | EXPRS
  8. | STMTS
  9. | INITS
  10. | LABELS
  11. | SPECS
  12. | ETORS
  13. | OBJC_DECLS
  15. | TEMPL_ARGS
  16. | DELIM_MACRO of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  17. | DELIM_MACRO_ of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  18. | Q_PROPERTY
  19. | ERROR of string
  20. | TranslationUnit
  21. | PpInclude of string
  22. | PpDefine of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  23. | PpUndef of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  24. | PpLine of int * string
  25. | PpError of string
  26. | PpPragma of string
  27. | PpNull
  28. | PpMarker of int * string * int list
  29. | PpIf of string
  30. | PpIfdef of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  31. | PpIfndef of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  32. | PpElif of string
  33. | PpElse of string
  34. | PpEndif of string
  35. | PpUnknown of string
  36. | PpIfSection of int * string
  37. | PpIfSectionFuncDef of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  38. | PpIfSectionAltFuncDef
  39. | PpIfSectionBroken
  40. | PpIfSectionBrokenIf
  41. | PpIfSectionBrokenFuncDef
  42. | PpIfSectionBrokenDtorFunc
  43. | PpIfSectionCondExpr
  44. | PpIfSectionLogicalAnd
  45. | PpIfSectionLogicalOr
  46. | PpIfGroup of string
  47. | PpElifGroup of string
  48. | PpElseGroup of string
  49. | PpStringized of string
  50. | PpMacroParam of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  51. | PpImport of string
  52. | OmpDirective of string
  53. | AccDirective of string
  54. | SimpleDeclaration
  55. | AsmDefinition of string
  56. | NamespaceAliasDefinition of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  57. | UsingDeclaration
  58. | UsingEnumDeclaration
  59. | UsingDirective of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  60. | Static_assertDeclaration
  61. | AliasDeclaration of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  62. | OpaqueEnumDeclaration
  63. | OpaqueEnumDeclarationClass
  64. | OpaqueEnumDeclarationStruct
  65. | OpaqueEnumDeclarationMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  66. | NodeclspecFunctionDeclaration
  67. | FunctionDefinition of
  68. | TemplateDeclaration
  69. | DeductionGuide of
  70. | ExplicitInstantiation
  71. | ExplicitSpecialization
  72. | ExportDeclaration
  73. | LinkageSpecification of string
  74. | NamedNamespaceDefinition of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  75. | UnnamedNamespaceDefinition
  76. | NestedNamespaceDefinition of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  77. | NamespaceDefinitionMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  78. | EmptyDeclaration
  79. | AttributeDeclaration
  80. | DeclarationMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  81. | DeclarationMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  82. | DeclarationMacroInvocationInvocation
  83. | DeclarationMacroInvocationArrow
  84. | DeclarationMacroInvocationDot
  85. | ImportDeclaration of string
  86. | Statement
  87. | ExpressionStatement
  88. | DeclarationStatement
  89. | CompoundStatement
  90. | TryBlock
  91. | LabeledStatement
  92. | SelectionStatement
  93. | IfStatement
  94. | ElseStatement
  95. | SwitchStatement
  96. | IterationStatement
  97. | WhileStatement
  98. | DoStatement
  99. | ForStatement
  100. | ForInStatement
  101. | RangeBasedForStatement
  102. | JumpStatement
  103. | BreakStatement
  104. | ContinueStatement
  105. | ReturnStatement
  106. | GotoStatement of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  107. | ComputedGotoStatement
  108. | CoroutineReturnStatement
  109. | StatementMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  110. | StatementMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  111. | IterationMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  112. | IterationMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  113. | This
  114. | ParenthesizedExpression
  115. | RequiresExpression
  116. | FoldExpression
  117. | LambdaExpression
  118. | LogicalOrExpression of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  119. | LogicalAndExpression of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  120. | InclusiveOrExpression of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  121. | ExclusiveOrExpression of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  122. | AndExpression of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  123. | EqualityExpression
  124. | EqualityExpressionEq
  125. | EqualityExpressionStrictEq
  126. | EqualityExpressionNeq of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  127. | RelationalExpression
  128. | RelationalExpressionLt
  129. | RelationalExpressionGt
  130. | RelationalExpressionLe
  131. | RelationalExpressionGe
  132. | CompareExpression
  133. | ShiftExpression
  134. | ShiftExpressionLeft
  135. | ShiftExpressionRight
  136. | ShiftExpressionRightU
  137. | AdditiveExpression
  138. | AdditiveExpressionAdd
  139. | AdditiveExpressionSubt
  140. | MultiplicativeExpression
  141. | MultiplicativeExpressionMult
  142. | MultiplicativeExpressionDiv
  143. | MultiplicativeExpressionMod
  144. | PmExpression
  145. | PmExpressionClass
  146. | PmExpressionPtr
  147. | CastExpression
  148. | CompoundLiteralExpression
  149. | UnaryExpression
  150. | UnaryExpressionIncr
  151. | UnaryExpressionDecr
  152. | UnaryExpressionInd
  153. | UnaryExpressionAddr
  154. | UnaryExpressionLabelAddr
  155. | UnaryExpressionPlus
  156. | UnaryExpressionMinus
  157. | UnaryExpressionNeg of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  158. | UnaryExpressionCompl of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  159. | UnaryExpressionSizeof
  160. | UnaryExpressionSizeofPack of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  161. | UnaryExpressionAlignof
  162. | NoexceptExpression
  163. | NewExpression
  164. | RefNewExpression
  165. | DeleteExpression
  166. | PostfixExpression
  167. | PostfixExpressionSubscr
  168. | PostfixExpressionFunCall
  169. | PostfixExpressionFunCallMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  170. | PostfixExpressionExplicitTypeConv
  171. | PostfixExpressionExplicitTypeConvExpr
  172. | PostfixExpressionExplicitTypeConvBraced
  173. | PostfixExpressionDot
  174. | PostfixExpressionArrow
  175. | PostfixExpressionIncr
  176. | PostfixExpressionDecr
  177. | PostfixExpressionTypeid
  178. | PostfixExpressionTypeidExpr
  179. | PostfixExpressionTypeidTy
  180. | PostfixExpressionDynamic_cast
  181. | PostfixExpressionStatic_cast
  182. | PostfixExpressionReinterpret_cast
  183. | PostfixExpressionConst_cast
  184. | AssignmentExpression
  185. | AssignmentExpressionOverloaded of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  186. | AssignmentExpressionEq
  187. | AssignmentExpressionPlus
  188. | AssignmentExpressionMinus
  189. | AssignmentExpressionMult
  190. | AssignmentExpressionDiv
  191. | AssignmentExpressionMod
  192. | AssignmentExpressionShiftLeft
  193. | AssignmentExpressionShiftRight
  194. | AssignmentExpressionAnd of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  195. | AssignmentExpressionXor of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  196. | AssignmentExpressionOr of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  197. | ThrowExpression
  198. | ExpressionPair
  199. | ConditionalExpression
  200. | DeleteExpressionBracket
  201. | YieldExpression
  202. | AwaitExpression
  203. | BlockLiteralExpression
  204. | ExpressionMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  205. | LogicalOrMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  206. | DefinedMacroExpression of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  207. | HasIncludeExpression of string
  208. | HasAttributeExpression
  209. | Literal
  210. | IntegerLiteral of Cpp_parsing.Common.value
  211. | CharacterLiteral of Cpp_parsing.Common.value
  212. | FloatingLiteral of Cpp_parsing.Common.value
  213. | StringLiteral of Cpp_parsing.Common.value
  214. | StringMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  215. | BooleanLiteral of Cpp_parsing.Common.value
  216. | Nullptr
  217. | ConcatenatedString
  218. | UserDefinedCharacterLiteral of Cpp_parsing.Common.value
  219. | UserDefinedStringLiteral of Cpp_parsing.Common.value
  220. | UserDefinedFloatingLiteral of Cpp_parsing.Common.value
  221. | UserDefinedIntegerLiteral of Cpp_parsing.Common.value
  222. | LiteralMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  223. | LiteralMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  224. | UnqualifiedId
  225. | OperatorFunctionId
  226. | ConversionFunctionId
  227. | LiteralOperatorId of string
  228. | Destructor
  229. | TemplateId
  230. | TemplateIdOp
  231. | TemplateIdLit
  232. | Operator
  233. | New
  234. | Delete
  235. | NewBracket
  236. | DeleteBracket
  237. | Parentheses
  238. | Brackets
  239. | MinusGt
  240. | MinusGtStar
  241. | Tilde of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  242. | Exclam of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  243. | Plus
  244. | Minus
  245. | Star
  246. | Slash
  247. | Perc
  248. | Hat of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  249. | Amp of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  250. | Bar of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  251. | Eq
  252. | PlusEq
  253. | MinusEq
  254. | StarEq
  255. | SlashEq
  256. | PercEq
  257. | HatEq of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  258. | AmpEq of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  259. | BarEq of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  260. | EqEq
  261. | ExclamEq of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  262. | Lt
  263. | Gt
  264. | LtEq
  265. | GtEq
  266. | LtEqGt
  267. | AmpAmp of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  268. | BarBar of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  269. | LtLt
  270. | GtGt
  271. | LtLtEq
  272. | GtGtEq
  273. | PlusPlus
  274. | MinusMinus
  275. | Comma
  276. | Semicolon
  277. | Colon
  278. | Co_await
  279. | DotStar
  280. | Dot
  281. | DefiningTypeSpecifier
  282. | SimpleTypeSpecifier of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  283. | TypenameSpecifier of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  284. | CvQualifier
  285. | TypeMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  286. | Const
  287. | Volatile
  288. | Restrict of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  289. | MsAsmBlock of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident * string
  290. | MsCdecl of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  291. | MsStdcall of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  292. | MsPragma of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  293. | MsWarningSpecifier of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  294. | MsProperty of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  295. | MsAttributeSpecifier
  296. | CallingConvention of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  297. | GnuAsmBlock of string * string
  298. | GnuAttribute of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  299. | GnuStatementExpression
  300. | ElaboratedTypeSpecifier
  301. | ElaboratedTypeSpecifierClass of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  302. | ElaboratedTypeSpecifierStruct of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  303. | ElaboratedTypeSpecifierUnion of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  304. | ElaboratedTypeSpecifierEnum of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  305. | ClassSpecifier
  306. | EnumSpecifier
  307. | BasicType
  308. | Char
  309. | Char8_t
  310. | Char16_t
  311. | Char32_t
  312. | Wchar_t
  313. | Bool
  314. | Short
  315. | Int
  316. | Long
  317. | Signed
  318. | Unsigned
  319. | Float
  320. | Double
  321. | Void
  322. | UnsignedInt
  323. | UnsignedLong
  324. | AccessSpecifier
  325. | Private
  326. | Protected
  327. | Public
  328. | AttributeSpecifier
  329. | StandardAttributeSpecifier
  330. | ContractAttributeSpecifier
  331. | ContractAttributeSpecifierExpects
  332. | ContractAttributeSpecifierEnsures of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  333. | ContractAttributeSpecifierAssert
  334. | AlignmentAttributeSpecifier of bool
  335. | AttributeMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  336. | RefQualifier
  337. | RefQualifierAmp
  338. | RefQualifierAmpAmp
  339. | PlaceholderTypeSpecifier
  340. | PlaceholderTypeSpecifierAuto
  341. | PlaceholderTypeSpecifierDecltype
  342. | PtrOperator
  343. | PtrOperatorStar
  344. | PtrOperatorAmp
  345. | PtrOperatorAmpAmp
  346. | PtrOperatorHat
  347. | PtrOperatorMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  348. | Declarator
  349. | DeclaratorFunc
  350. | PtrDeclarator
  351. | PtrDeclaratorPtr
  352. | NoptrDeclarator
  353. | NoptrDeclaratorId
  354. | NoptrDeclaratorParen
  355. | NoptrDeclaratorFunc
  356. | NoptrDeclaratorOldFunc
  357. | NoptrDeclaratorArray
  358. | DtorMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  359. | NoexceptSpecifier
  360. | NoexceptSpecifierThrow
  361. | NoexceptSpecifierThrowAny
  362. | VirtSpecifier
  363. | VirtSpecifierFinal
  364. | VirtSpecifierOverride
  365. | VirtSpecifierMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  366. | VirtSpecifierMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  367. | StorageClassSpecifier
  368. | StorageClassSpecifierStatic
  369. | StorageClassSpecifierThread_local
  370. | StorageClassSpecifierExtern
  371. | StorageClassSpecifierMutable
  372. | StorageClassSpecifierRegister
  373. | StorageClassSpecifierVaxGlobaldef
  374. | FunctionSpecifier
  375. | FunctionSpecifierVirtual
  376. | ExplicitSpecifier
  377. | ClassHead
  378. | ClassHeadClass
  379. | ClassHeadStruct
  380. | ClassHeadUnion
  381. | ClassHeadMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  382. | ClassHeadMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  383. | ClassHeadMsRefClass
  384. | EnumHead
  385. | EnumHeadEnum
  386. | EnumHeadEnumClass
  387. | EnumHeadEnumStruct
  388. | EnumHeadEnumMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  389. | TypeParameterKey
  390. | TypeParameterKeyClass
  391. | TypeParameterKeyTypename
  392. | FunctionBody of
  393. | FunctionBodyDefault
  394. | FunctionBodyDelete
  395. | FunctionTryBlock of
  396. | FunctionBodyMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  397. | FunctionBodyMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  398. | DeclSpecifier
  399. | DeclSpecifierInline
  400. | DeclSpecifierConstexpr
  401. | DeclSpecifierConsteval
  402. | DeclSpecifierConstinit
  403. | DeclSpecifierTypedef
  404. | DeclSpecifierFriend
  405. | DeclSpecifierMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  406. | DeclSpecifierMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  407. | Requirement
  408. | SimpleRequirement
  409. | TypeRequirement
  410. | CompoundRequirement
  411. | ReturnTypeRequirement
  412. | NestedRequirement
  413. | AbstractDeclarator
  414. | AbstractDeclaratorFunc
  415. | PtrAbstractDeclarator
  416. | PtrAbstractDeclaratorPtr
  417. | NoptrAbstractDeclarator
  418. | NoptrAbstractDeclaratorFunc
  419. | NoptrAbstractDeclaratorArray
  420. | NoptrAbstractDeclaratorParen
  421. | NoptrAbstractPackDeclaratorFunc
  422. | NoptrAbstractPackDeclaratorArray
  423. | SimpleCapture of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  424. | SimpleCaptureAmp of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  425. | SimpleCaptureThis
  426. | SimpleCaptureStarThis
  427. | InitCapture of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  428. | InitCaptureAmp of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  429. | LambdaCapture
  430. | LambdaCaptureDefaultEq
  431. | LambdaCaptureDefaultAmp
  432. | LambdaCaptureMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  433. | MemberDeclarator
  434. | MemberDeclaratorDecl
  435. | MemberDeclaratorBitField of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  436. | Label of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  437. | CaseLabel
  438. | RangedCaseLabel
  439. | DefaultLabel
  440. | LabelMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  441. | ContractLevel
  442. | ContractLevelDefault
  443. | ContractLevelAudit
  444. | ContractLevelAxiom
  445. | BalancedToken
  446. | BalancedTokenSingle of string
  447. | BalancedTokenParen
  448. | BalancedTokenBracket
  449. | BalancedTokenBrace
  450. | MemberSpecification
  451. | MemberDeclarationDecl
  452. | Explicit
  453. | Virtual
  454. | Template
  455. | Noexcept
  456. | Extern
  457. | Inline
  458. | Default
  459. | ColonColon
  460. | Ellipsis
  461. | Constexpr
  462. | Typename
  463. | PureSpecifier
  464. | BaseSpecifier
  465. | BaseClause
  466. | BaseMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  467. | BaseSpecMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  468. | BaseSpecMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  469. | SuffixMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  470. | ClassVirtSpecifierFinal
  471. | ClassVirtSpecifierMsSealed
  472. | ClassName of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  473. | ClassHeadName of
  474. | MacroArgument
  475. | NoptrNewDeclarator
  476. | NewInitializer
  477. | NewInitializerMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  478. | ArgumentsMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  479. | ArgumentsMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  480. | NewDeclaratorPtr
  481. | NewDeclarator
  482. | NewTypeId
  483. | NewPlacement
  484. | LambdaDeclarator
  485. | ParenthesizedInitList
  486. | LambdaIntroducer
  487. | LambdaIntroducerMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  488. | AbstractPackDeclarator
  489. | AbstractPack
  490. | RequirementBody
  491. | RequirementParameterList
  492. | MemInitializer
  493. | MemInitMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  494. | QualifiedTypeName
  495. | InitDeclarator of
  496. | ConceptDefinition of
  497. | CtorInitializer
  498. | ConstraintLogicalOrExpression of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  499. | ConstraintLogicalAndExpression of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  500. | RequiresClause
  501. | TypeParameter of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  502. | TemplateHead
  503. | EnclosingNamespaceSpecifier of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  504. | Enumerator of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  505. | EnumeratorDefinition
  506. | EnumeratorDefinitionMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  507. | TypeMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  508. | Condition
  509. | ParameterDeclaration of
  510. | ParameterDeclarationClause of bool
  511. | ParametersAndQualifiers
  512. | ParamDeclMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  513. | ParamDeclMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  514. | ParametersMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  515. | ParametersMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  516. | Handler
  517. | ExceptionDeclaration
  518. | ExpressionList
  519. | EqualInitializer
  520. | DesignatedInitializerClause
  521. | DesignatorField of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  522. | DesignatorIndex
  523. | DesignatorRange
  524. | TrailingReturnType
  525. | BracedInitList
  526. | ForRangeDeclaration
  527. | DefiningTypeId
  528. | EnumHeadName of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  529. | EnumBase
  530. | QualifiedId
  531. | QualifiedNamespaceSpecifier of
  532. | TypeName of
  533. | ConversionDeclarator
  534. | ConversionTypeId
  535. | UsingDeclarator
  536. | UsingEnumDeclarator
  537. | TypeConstraint of
  538. | TypeId
  539. | DecltypeSpecifier
  540. | SimpleTemplateId of
  541. | Identifier of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  542. | IdentifierMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  543. | PpConcatenatedIdentifier
  544. | NestedNameSpecifier
  545. | NestedNameSpecifierHead
  546. | NestedNameSpecifierIdent of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  547. | NestedNameSpecifierTempl of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  548. | NestedNameSpecifierDeclty
  549. | PackExpansion
  550. | AttributeUsingPrefix
  551. | Attribute
  552. | AttributeToken of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  553. | AttributeScopedToken of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  554. | AttributeNamespace of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  555. | AttributeArgumentClause
  556. | AttributeArgumentClauseMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  557. | TokenSeq of string
  558. | ObjectLikeMacro
  559. | FunctionLikeMacro of macro_kind
  560. | OperatorMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  561. | OperatorMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  562. | DefiningTypeSpecifierSeq
  563. | DeclSpecifierSeq
  564. | TypeSpecifierSeq
  565. | FunctionHead of
  566. | FunctionHeadMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  567. | AccessSpecAnnot of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  568. | EnumeratorMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  569. | AccessSpecMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  570. | CvMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  571. | CvMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  572. | RefMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  573. | RefMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  574. | OpeningBrace
  575. | ClosingBrace
  576. | OpeningBracket
  577. | ClosingBracket
  578. | DummyBody
  579. | DummyDecl
  580. | DummyStmt
  581. | DummyExpr
  582. | DummyOp
  583. | DummyDtor
  584. | GnuAsmBlockFragmented of string
  585. | GnuAsmFragment of string
  586. | DesignatorFieldOld of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  587. | DoxygenLine of string
  588. | NoexceptSpecifierMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  589. | AttributeMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  590. | CudaExecutionConfiguration
  591. | CudaKernelCall
  592. | SimpleTemplateIdM
  593. | NamespaceHead of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  594. | NamedNamespaceDefinitionHead of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  595. | InitializerClause
  596. | TemplParamMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  597. | PostfixExpressionFunCallGuarded of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  598. | PpIfSectionTemplDecl
  599. | PpIfSectionTryBlock
  600. | Try
  601. | PpIfSectionHandler
  602. | BlockHeadMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  603. | BlockEndMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  604. | DeclStmtBlock
  605. | AsmShader of string
  606. | AsmName of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  607. | AsmOperand
  608. | AsmDirective of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  609. | VaArgs of string
  610. | PtrMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  611. | At
  612. | ClassBody
  613. | Lparen
  614. | Rparen
  615. | Asm
  616. | TemplateArguments
  617. | SuffixMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  618. | ObjcThrow
  619. | ObjcSynchronized
  620. | ObjcClassDeclarationList
  621. | ObjcProtocolDeclarationList
  622. | ObjcProtocolDeclaration of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  623. | ObjcClassInterface of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  624. | ObjcCategoryInterface of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident * Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  625. | ObjcSuperclass of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  626. | ObjcProtocolReferenceList
  627. | ObjcProtocolReferenceListMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  628. | ObjcInstanceVariables
  629. | ObjcInstanceVariableDeclaration
  630. | ObjcInterfaceDeclaration
  631. | ObjcPrivate
  632. | ObjcPublic
  633. | ObjcPackage
  634. | ObjcProtected
  635. | ObjcStructDeclaration
  636. | ObjcStructDeclarator
  637. | ObjcPropertyDeclaration
  638. | ObjcPropertyAttributesDeclaration
  639. | ObjcClassMethodDeclaration
  640. | ObjcInstanceMethodDeclaration
  641. | ObjcMethodType
  642. | ObjcMethodSelector
  643. | ObjcMethodSelectorPack
  644. | ObjcSelector of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  645. | ObjcSelectorMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  646. | ObjcKeywordSelector
  647. | ObjcKeywordDeclarator of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  648. | ObjcSpecifierQualifier of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  649. | ObjcProtocolName of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  650. | ObjcClassName of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  651. | ObjcPropertyAttribute of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  652. | ObjcMessageExpression
  653. | ObjcMessageSelector
  654. | ObjcProtocolExpression
  655. | ObjcKeywordArgument of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  656. | ObjcProtocolInterfaceDeclarationOptional
  657. | ObjcProtocolInterfaceDeclarationRequired
  658. | ObjcAutoreleasepool
  659. | ObjcAvailable
  660. | ObjcSelectorExpression of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  661. | ObjcEncodeExpression
  662. | ObjcTryBlock
  663. | ObjcTry
  664. | ObjcCatchClause
  665. | ObjcFinally
  666. | ObjcMethodMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  667. | ObjcKeywordName of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  668. | ObjcLiteral
  669. | ObjcArray
  670. | ObjcDictionary
  671. | ObjcKeyValue
  672. | ObjcClass
  673. | SwiftArg of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  674. | SwiftFunCall
  675. | HugeArray of int * string
  676. | DslMacroArgument
  677. | ParametersAndQualifiersList
  678. | NestedFunctionDefinition of
  679. | PragmaMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  680. | PragmaMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  681. | MockQualifier of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  682. | ClassBodyHeadMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  683. | ClassBodyEndMacro of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  684. | ClassBodyHeadMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  685. | ClassBodyEndMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  686. | InitHeadMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  687. | InitEndMacroInvocation of Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
  688. | InitDeclaration
  689. | LiteralMacroArgument of string
val to_string : t -> string
val to_simple_string : t -> Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
val to_tag : ?strip:bool -> t -> string * (string * string) list
val get_name : ?strip:bool -> t -> Cpp_parsing.Common.ident
val get_name_opt : t -> Cpp_parsing.Common.ident option
val get_names : t -> Cpp_parsing.Common.ident list
val get_label : t -> string
val get_var : t -> string
val get_var_opt : t -> string option
val get_category : t -> string
val get_value : t -> string
val has_value : t -> bool
val has_non_trivial_value : t -> bool
val has_non_trivial_tid : 'a -> bool
module ClassKey = Label.ClassKey
module EnumKey = Label.EnumKey
val to_short_string : ?ignore_identifiers_flag:bool -> t -> string
val strip : 'a -> 'a
val _anonymize : ?more:bool -> ?most:bool -> t -> t
val anonymize : ?more:bool -> t -> t
val anonymize2 : t -> t
val anonymize3 : t -> t
module Annotation : sig ... end
type annotation = Annotation.t
val null_annotation : Annotation.t
val annotation_to_string : Annotation.spec list -> string
val is_hunk_boundary : 'a -> 'b -> bool
val forced_to_be_collapsible : 'a -> bool
val is_collapse_target : < no_collapse_flag : bool.. > -> t -> bool
val is_to_be_notified : t -> bool
val is_partition : t -> bool
val is_sequence : t -> bool
val is_ntuple : 'a -> bool
val is_boundary : t -> bool
val is_primary : t -> bool
val is_expr : t -> bool
val is_op : t -> bool
val is_scope_creating : 'a -> bool
val is_pp_branch : t -> bool
val is_stmt : t -> bool
val is_statement : t -> bool
val get_ident_use : 'a -> string
val to_char : 'a -> char
val has_names : t -> bool
val has_a_name : t -> bool
val is_named : t -> bool
val is_named_orig : t -> bool
val to_elem_data : ?strip:bool -> ?afilt:(string -> bool) -> Astml.Loc.t -> t -> string * (string * string) list * string
val getlab : < data : < _label : Obj.t.. >.. > -> t
val cannot_be_keyroot : < data : < _label : Obj.t.. >.. > -> bool
val is_literal : t -> bool
val is_int_literal : t -> bool
val is_real_literal : t -> bool
val is_string_literal : t -> bool
val is_phantom : 'a -> bool
val is_special : 'a -> bool
val is_pp_directive : t -> bool
val is_pp_define : t -> bool
val is_pp_include : t -> bool
val get_pp_include_path : t -> string
val is_container_unit : t -> bool
val is_pp_if_section : t -> bool
val is_pp_if_section_broken : t -> bool
val is_pp_group : t -> bool
val is_pp_if_group : t -> bool
val is_pp_elif_group : t -> bool
val is_pp_else_group : t -> bool
val is_translation_unit : t -> bool
val is_decl : t -> bool
val is_simple_decl : t -> bool
val is_func : t -> bool
val is_jump_stmt : t -> bool
val is_sel_stmt : t -> bool
val is_iter_stmt : t -> bool
val is_decl_spec : t -> bool
val is_decl_stmt : t -> bool
val is_comp_stmt : t -> bool
val is_try_block : t -> bool
val is_if : t -> bool
val is_switch : t -> bool
val is_while : t -> bool
val is_do : t -> bool
val is_for : t -> bool
val is_ranged_for : t -> bool
val is_return : t -> bool
val is_goto : t -> bool
val is_static : t -> bool
val is_typedef : t -> bool
val is_extern : t -> bool
val is_expr_list : t -> bool
val is_ident : t -> bool
val is_unary_expr : t -> bool
val is_funcall : t -> bool
val is_array_acc : t -> bool
val is_memb_acc : t -> bool
val is_memb_ptr_acc : t -> bool
val is_param_decl_clause : t -> bool
val is_param_decl : t -> bool
val is_desig : t -> bool
val is_dtor : t -> bool
val is_abst_dtor : t -> bool
val is_initializer : t -> bool
val is_block : t -> bool
val is_body : t -> bool
val is_class_spec : t -> bool
val is_enum_spec : t -> bool
val is_class : t -> bool
val is_struct : t -> bool
val is_union : t -> bool
val is_namespace_head : t -> bool
val is_expr_macro_ivk : t -> bool
val is_stmt_macro_ivk : t -> bool
val is_type_macro_ivk : t -> bool
val is_type_id : t -> bool
val is_capture : t -> bool
val is_braced_init_list : t -> bool
val is_args_macro : t -> bool
val is_args_macro_ivk : t -> bool
val is_desig_old : t -> bool
val is_compatible : ?weak:bool -> 'a -> 'b -> bool
val is_order_insensitive : 'a -> bool
val quasi_eq : 'a -> 'b -> bool
val relabel_allowed : (t * t) -> bool
val move_disallowed : 'a -> bool
val is_common : t -> bool
val of_elem_data : string -> (string * string) list -> string -> t

Innovation. Community. Security.