package diffast-git

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module S : Git.S


module Hash = S.Hash
module Value = S.Value
module Commit = Value.Commit
module Blob = Value.Blob
module Tag = Value.Tag
module Tree = Value.Tree
module User = Git.User
val dir_sep_pat : Str.regexp
class entry : dirname:string -> name:string -> is_dir:bool -> digest:Diffast_misc.Xhash.t -> ?blob_handle: string option option -> Storage.entry_t list -> Storage.entry_t
class entry_cache : object ... end
class path_entry_cache : object ... end
val ieq : string -> string -> bool
class tree : < hash_algo : Diffast_misc.Xhash.algo ; keep_filtered_temp_file_flag : bool ; verbose_flag : bool.. > -> ?cache:path_entry_cache option -> Storage.kind -> (string, string) Hashtbl.t -> string -> Storage.entry_t -> object ... end
val opt_to_str : ?prefix:string -> ?suffix:string -> string option -> string
val dump_value : Hash.t -> Commit.hash Git.Value.t -> unit
val is_dir : 'a Git.Tree.entry -> bool
val is_dir_or_file : 'a Git.Tree.entry -> bool
type obj =
  1. | Tree of tree
  2. | File of Storage.file
val make_obj : < check_extension : string -> bool ; hash_algo : Diffast_misc.Xhash.algo ; keep_filtered_temp_file_flag : bool ; verbose_flag : bool.. > -> string -> S.t -> Hash.t list -> obj list Lwt.t

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