package diffast-core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Xhash = Diffast_misc.Xhash
module Xfile = Diffast_misc.Xfile
module Xchannel = Diffast_misc.Xchannel
module Xstring = Diffast_misc.Xstring
module Xset = Diffast_misc.Xset
module Xprint = Diffast_misc.Xprint
module XML = Diffast_misc.XML
module Loc = Diffast_misc.Loc
module A = Astml
val sprintf : ('a, unit, string) format -> 'a
val fprintf : out_channel -> ('a, out_channel, unit) format -> 'a
type lit_ty =
  1. | LT_string
  2. | LT_int
  3. | LT_nn_int
  4. | LT_real
val lit_ty_to_string : lit_ty -> string
val lit_ty_string : lit_ty
val lit_ty_int : lit_ty
val lit_ty_nn_int : lit_ty
val lit_ty_real : lit_ty
type node =
  1. | N_URI of string
  2. | N_QName of string * string
  3. | N_Literal of string * lit_ty
  4. | N_Blank of string
  5. | N_Ghost
type t = node * node * node
exception Invalid_QName of string
val node_to_string : node -> string
val make_uri : string -> node
val make_qname : string -> string -> node
val get_local_name : node -> string
val make_literal : ?ty:lit_ty -> string -> node
val make_int_literal : int -> node
val make_nn_int_literal : int -> node
val make_real_literal : float -> node
val minus_pat : Str.regexp
val gen_blank_node : unit -> node
val ghost : node
val is_ghost_ast_node : < data : < src_loc : Loc.t.. >.. > -> bool
val is_ghost_node : node -> bool
val is_ghost : (node * 'a * node) -> bool
val to_string : (node * node * node) -> string
val xsd_ns : string
val xsd_prefix : string
val rdf_ns : string
val rdf_prefix : string
val mkrdfres : string -> node
val p_rdf_first : node
val p_rdf_rest : node
val rdf_nil : node
val p_rdf_type : node
val p_is_a : node
val src_ns : string
val src_prefix : string
val mksrcres : string -> node
val change_ns : string
val change_prefix : string
val mkchangeres : string -> node
val ver_ns : string
val ver_prefix : string
val mkverres : string -> node
val guard_pred_prefix : string
val common_base_ns : string
val project_ns : string
val srctree_ns : string
val version_ns : string
val entity_ns : string
val svn_ns : string
val git_ns : string
val guard_ns : string
val binding_ns : string
val proj_prefix : string
val release_prefix : string
val svnrev_prefix : string
val gitrev_prefix : string
val variant_prefix : string
val entity_prefix : string
val external_prefix : string
val binding_prefix : string
val entity_pair_ns : string
val entity_pair_prefix : string
val external_ns : string
val chg_inst_ns : string
val chg_inst_prefix : string
val delta_ns : string
val delta_prefix : string
val ns_tbl : (string, string) Hashtbl.t
val format_xsd : string -> string
val format_lit_ty : lit_ty -> string
val p_guard : node -> node
val mkproj : string -> node
val mkrel : string -> node
val mksvnrev : string -> node
val mkgitrev : string -> node
val mkvariant : string -> node
val mkchginst : string -> node
val mkdeltares : string -> node
val mkent : string -> node
val mkext : ?lang:string -> string -> node
val mkjres : string -> node
val mkcres : string -> node
val mkpres : string -> node
val mkvres : string -> node
val mkfres : string -> node
val mkcppres : string -> node
val mkccxres : string -> node
val p_xml : node
val p_entity1 : node
val p_entity2 : node
val p_version : node
val p_file_digest : node
val p_proj_rel_path : node
val c_version : node
val c_release : node
val c_gitrev : node
val c_svnrev : node
val c_variant : node
val c_file_digest : node
val p_in_srctree : node
val p_contains_file : node
val c_srctree : node
val p_binding : node
val p_file_location : node
val p_in_file : node
val p_in_project : node
val p_parent : node
val p_children : node
val p_child0 : node
val p_childx : int -> node
val p_tree_digest : node
val p_value : node
val p_name : node
val p_nth : node
val p_path : node
val c_file : node
val c_auxfile : node
val c_project : node
val c_tree_digest : node
val c_position : node
val c_binding : node
val c_external_name : node
val c_loc : node
val p_mapped_neq_to : node
val p_mapped_eq_to : node
val p_changed_to : node
val p_mov_changed_to : node
val p_moved_to : node
val p_renamed : node
val p_mov_renamed : node
val p_deleted_from : node
val p_order_changed : node
val p_inserted_into : node
val p_modified : node
val p_pruned_from : node
val p_grafted_onto : node
val p_copied_from : node
val p_glued_to : node
val p_gen_added : node
val p_gen_removed : node
val p_abstracted_to : node
val p_mov_abstracted_to : node
val p_folded_into : node
val p_mov_folded_into : node
val p_affects_nesting_depth : node
val p_nesting_depth : node
val p_cardinality : node
val p_orig_file : node
val p_mod_file : node
val p_orig_srctree : node
val p_mod_srctree : node
val p_file_pair : node
val p_srctree_pair : node
val c_file_pair : node
val c_srctree_pair : node
val c_del : node
val c_ins : node
val c_rel : node
val c_mov : node
val l_true : node
val l_false : node
val get_proj_rel_path : string -> string -> string
val encode_path : string -> string -> string
val make_version_entity : (Entity.vkind * string) -> node
val _encode_fid : < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> ?force_PVF:bool -> digest:Xhash.t -> path:string -> 'a -> (Entity.vkind * string) -> string
val encode_fid : ?force_PVF:bool -> < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> < proj_root : 'a ; source_digest : Xhash.t ; source_path : string ; version : string ; vkind : Entity.vkind.. > -> string
val get_enc_str : < fact_enc : Entity.encoding.. > -> ?force_PVF:bool -> unit -> string
val ___make_file_entity : string -> string -> string
val __make_file_entity : < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> ?force_PVF:bool -> digest:Xhash.t -> path:string -> 'a -> (Entity.vkind * string) -> string
val _make_file_entity : < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> ?force_PVF:bool -> digest:Xhash.t -> path:string -> 'a -> (Entity.vkind * string) -> node
val fid_of_tree_entry : < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> 'a -> (Entity.vkind * string) -> < digest : Xhash.t ; path : string.. > -> string
val file_entity_of_tree_entry : < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> 'a -> (Entity.vkind * string) -> < digest : Xhash.t ; path : string.. > -> node
val make_file_entity : ?force_PVF:bool -> < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> < proj_root : 'a ; source_digest : Xhash.t ; source_path : string ; version : string ; vkind : Entity.vkind.. > -> node
val _make_binding : < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> digest:Xhash.t -> path:string -> 'a -> (Entity.vkind * string) -> BID.t -> node
val make_binding : ?loc_opt:Loc.t option -> < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> < proj_root : string ; source_digest : Xhash.t ; source_path : string ; version : string ; vkind : Entity.vkind.. > -> BID.t -> node
val __make_srctree_entity : < fact_proj : string.. > -> (Entity.vkind * string) -> string
val _make_srctree_entity : < fact_proj : string.. > -> (Entity.vkind * string) -> node
val make_srctree_entity : < fact_proj : string.. > -> < version : string ; vkind : Entity.vkind.. > -> node
val make_extname : 'a -> 'b -> ?lang:string -> string -> node
val get_range_str : Entity.encoding -> Loc.t -> string
val avoid_ghost : < data : < src_loc : Loc.t.. > ; initial_parent : 'a.. > as 'a -> 'a
val __make_entity : string -> string -> string -> bool -> bool -> string
val _make_entity : < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> < proj_root : 'a ; source_digest : Xhash.t ; source_path : string ; version : string ; vkind : Entity.vkind.. > -> < data : < is_phantom : bool ; is_special : bool ; source_fid : string ; src_loc : Loc.t ; to_string : string.. >.. > -> string
val make_entity : < fact_algo : Xhash.algo ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_proj : string.. > -> < proj_root : 'a ; source_digest : Xhash.t ; source_path : string ; version : string ; vkind : Entity.vkind.. > -> < data : < is_phantom : bool ; is_special : bool ; source_fid : string ; src_loc : Loc.t ; to_string : string.. >.. > -> node
val make_entity_pair : string -> string -> node
val format_node : node -> string
val format_triple : (node * node * node) -> string
val make_rdf_list : node array -> node * (node * node * node) list
exception File_exists of string
class dumper_gen : ?overwrite:bool option -> ?comp:C.c option -> Xchannel.Destination.t -> object ... end
class dumper : ?overwrite:bool option -> ?comp:C.c option -> string -> object ... end
val dump : < verbose_flag : bool.. > -> ?overwrite:bool -> ?comp:C.c -> string -> (node * node * node) Xset.t -> unit
val make_a_name : string -> string -> string
val dump_a : < verbose_flag : bool.. > -> ?comp:C.c -> string -> (string, t Xset.t) Hashtbl.t -> unit
exception ODBC_error of string
exception Malformed_ODBC_conf of string
exception Lock_failed
val fact_lock_file_name : string
val _lock_cache_file : string -> string -> Unix.file_descr
val lock_fact : string -> Unix.file_descr
val unlock_fact : Unix.file_descr -> unit
val filter_sql_error : string -> string
val read_odbc_conf : string -> string * string * string
val _connect_odbc : 'a -> 'b
val _disconnect_odbc : 'a -> unit
val _output_triples_into_virtuoso : < fact_into_virtuoso : string ; fact_virtuoso_temp_dir : string ; verbose_flag : bool.. > -> < execute : string -> int * 'a.. > -> (node * node * node) Xset.t -> unit
class buffer_base : < fact_size_threshold : int.. > -> object ... end
val dummy_buffer : buffer_base
class buffer : < fact_compression : C.c ; fact_size_threshold : int.. > -> ?overwrite:bool option -> string -> object ... end
val _create_cache_path_lv2 : string -> string -> string
class buffer_directory : < fact_into_directory : string ; fact_size_threshold : int ; verbose_flag : bool.. > -> string -> object ... end
class buffer_odbc : < fact_size_threshold : int.. > -> 'a -> object ... end
class buffer_virtuoso : < fact_into_virtuoso : string ; fact_size_threshold : int ; fact_virtuoso_temp_dir : string ; verbose_flag : bool.. > -> object ... end
val dump_into_virtuoso : < fact_into_virtuoso : string ; fact_size_threshold : int ; fact_virtuoso_temp_dir : string ; verbose_flag : bool.. > -> t Xset.t -> unit
val dump_a_into_virtuoso : < fact_into_virtuoso : string ; fact_size_threshold : int ; fact_virtuoso_temp_dir : string ; verbose_flag : bool.. > -> (string, t Xset.t) Hashtbl.t -> unit
val dump_into_directory : < fact_into_directory : string ; fact_size_threshold : int ; verbose_flag : bool.. > -> string -> t Xset.t -> unit
val to_dot_ch : (string * string * string) list -> out_channel -> unit
val to_dot : string -> (string * string * string) list -> unit

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