package diffast-core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type move_id = Editop.move_id
type move_kind = Editop.move_kind
type 'data t =
  1. | Delete of 'data Delta_common.node_t * 'data Delta_common.node_t list
  2. | Insert of 'data Delta_common.node_t * 'data Delta_common.node_t list
  3. | Relabel of 'data Delta_common.node_t * 'data Delta_common.node_t list * 'data Delta_common.node_t * 'data Delta_common.node_t list
  4. | Move of move_id * move_kind * 'data Delta_common.node_t * 'data Delta_common.node_t list * 'data Delta_common.node_t * 'data Delta_common.node_t list
  5. | MoveInsert of move_id * move_kind * 'data Delta_common.node_t * 'data Delta_common.node_t list
val move_id_to_string : Moveid.t -> string
val move_kind_to_string : Editop.move_kind -> string
exception Parent_not_stable
val flatten_remote_stable_tbl : ('a * 'b list) list -> 'b list
val _get_anc_in : (< initial_parent : 'a.. > as 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a
val get_anc_in : < initial_parent : 'a.. > as 'a list -> 'a -> 'a
val opl_of_editop : Diffast_core.Delta_common.SB.node_data_t_shared as 'a eop_t -> 'b t list
val align_maps : int array -> int array -> int * (int * int) list
val paths_to_string : < to_string : string.. > list -> string
val filter_paths_i : int -> int -> < has_frac_ofs : bool.. > as 'a list -> 'a list
val tbl_keys : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t -> 'a list
val tbl_add_uniq : ('a, 'b list) Hashtbl.t -> 'a -> 'b -> unit
class [+'b, +'c] seq : < fact_algo : Diffast_core.Triple.Xhash.algo ; fact_compression : Diffast_core.Triple.C.c ; fact_enc : Entity.encoding ; fact_for_delta_flag : bool ; fact_into_directory : string ; fact_into_virtuoso : string ; fact_proj : string ; fact_size_threshold : int ; fact_virtuoso_temp_dir : string ; ignore_move_of_unordered_flag : bool ; ignore_non_orig_relabel_flag : bool ; local_cache_name : string ; minimize_delta_flag : bool ; recover_orig_ast_flag : bool ; sort_unordered_flag : bool ; verbose_flag : bool ; weak_eq_flag : bool.. > -> ?irreversible_flag:bool option -> 'c Delta_common.tree_t -> 'c Delta_common.tree_t -> < find : Spec.node_data_t Diffast_core.Delta_common.SB.Otree.node2 -> Spec.node_data_t Diffast_core.Delta_common.SB.Otree.node2.. > -> < is_indivisible_move : move_id -> bool ; mem_mov12 : Spec.node_data_t Delta_common.node_t -> Spec.node_data_t Delta_common.node_t -> bool.. > -> < content : Diffast_core.Delta_common.SB.node_data_t_shared eop_t list ; find12 : Spec.node_data_t Diffast_core.Delta_common.SB.Otree.node2 -> Spec.node_data_t Diffast_core.Delta_common.SB.Otree.node2 -> 'd Editop.t list ; iter_moves : (Spec.node_data_t Delta_common.node_t Editop.t -> unit) -> 'e ; mem_mov1 : Spec.node_data_t Delta_common.node_t -> bool ; mem_mov2 : Spec.node_data_t Delta_common.node_t -> bool.. > -> object ... end

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