package devkit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type regexp

The type of regular expressions

type split_result = Str.split_result =
  1. | Text of string
  2. | Delim of string

    Here we keep compatibility with Str

type result

The type of matching results

val regexp : string -> regexp

Parses a regexp

val search_forward : regexp -> string -> int -> int * result

Searches a match of the string with the regexp, starting at * the position and in forward direction. * Raises Not_found if no match could be found. * Returns (p,r) when a match at position p is found, * described by r.

val quote_set : string -> string

Returns a regexp (as string) that matches any of the characters in the argument. The argument must be non-empty

val matched_string : result -> string -> string

Extracts the matched part from the string. The string argument * must be the same string passed to string_match or the search * functions, and the result argument must be the corresponding * result.

val match_beginning : result -> int

Returns the position where the matched part begins

val match_end : result -> int

Returns the position where the matched part ends

val matched_group : result -> int -> string -> string

Extracts the substring the nth group matches from the whole * string. The string argument * must be the same string passed to string_match or the search * functions, and the result argument must be the corresponding * result.

val full_split : regexp -> string -> split_result list

Like split_delim, but returns the delimiters in the result

val global_substitute : regexp -> (result -> string -> string) -> string -> string

global_substitute re subst s: Applies the substitution function * subst to all matchings of re in s, and returns the * transformed string. subst is called with the current result * of the match and the whole string s.


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