package devkit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type json = [
  1. | `Float of float
  2. | `Int of int
  3. | `String of string
val get : unit -> [> `Assoc of (string * [> json ]) list ] list

Export counters registered with Var as logstash events

val setup : ?pause:Time.t -> Libevent.event_base -> unit

Setup periodic saving of counters as logstash json rows along the logfile

val setup_lwt : ?pause:Time.t -> unit -> unit
type logger = < event : (string * Yojson.Safe.t) list -> unit ; write : unit -> unit ; reload : unit -> unit ; flush : unit -> unit >
val log : ?autoflush:float -> ?verbose:bool -> ?add_timestamp_only:bool -> ?name:string -> unit -> logger
val setup_error_log : unit -> unit
module Dyn : sig ... end

Counters with arbitrary attributes

val lifetime : ?extra:string -> events:logger -> version:string -> unit -> unit

Log events related to the life of the program:

  • start
  • signal.stop
  • exit