package devkit

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Arg end
type spec = Arg.spec =
  1. | Unit of unit -> unit

    Call the function with unit argument

  2. | Bool of bool -> unit

    Call the function with a bool argument

  3. | Set of bool ref

    Set the reference to true

  4. | Clear of bool ref

    Set the reference to false

  5. | String of string -> unit

    Call the function with a string argument

  6. | Set_string of string ref

    Set the reference to the string argument

  7. | Int of int -> unit

    Call the function with an int argument

  8. | Set_int of int ref

    Set the reference to the int argument

  9. | Float of float -> unit

    Call the function with a float argument

  10. | Set_float of float ref

    Set the reference to the float argument

  11. | Tuple of spec list

    Take several arguments according to the spec list

  12. | Symbol of string list * string -> unit

    Take one of the symbols as argument and call the function with the symbol

  13. | Rest of string -> unit

    Stop interpreting keywords and call the function with each remaining argument

  14. | Rest_all of string list -> unit

    Stop interpreting keywords and call the function with all remaining arguments

  15. | Expand of string -> string array

    If the remaining arguments to process are of the form ["-foo"; "arg"] @ rest where "foo" is registered as Expand f, then the arguments f "arg" @ rest are processed. Only allowed in parse_and_expand_argv_dynamic.


The concrete type describing the behavior associated with a keyword.

type key = string
type doc = string
type usage_msg = string
type anon_fun = string -> unit
val parse_dynamic : (key * spec * doc) list ref -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit

Same as Arg.parse, except that the speclist argument is a reference and may be updated during the parsing. A typical use for this feature is to parse command lines of the form:

  • command subcommand options where the list of options depends on the value of the subcommand argument.
  • since 4.01.0
val parse_argv : ?current:int ref -> string array -> (key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit

Arg.parse_argv ~current args speclist anon_fun usage_msg parses the array args as if it were the command line. It uses and updates the value of ~current (if given), or Arg.current. You must set it before calling parse_argv. The initial value of current is the index of the program name (argument 0) in the array. If an error occurs, Arg.parse_argv raises Arg.Bad with the error message as argument. If option -help or --help is given, Arg.parse_argv raises Arg.Help with the help message as argument.

val parse_argv_dynamic : ?current:int ref -> string array -> (key * spec * doc) list ref -> anon_fun -> string -> unit

Same as Arg.parse_argv, except that the speclist argument is a reference and may be updated during the parsing. See Arg.parse_dynamic.

  • since 4.01.0
val parse_and_expand_argv_dynamic : int ref -> string array ref -> (key * spec * doc) list ref -> anon_fun -> string -> unit

Same as Arg.parse_argv_dynamic, except that the argv argument is a reference and may be updated during the parsing of Expand arguments. See Arg.parse_argv_dynamic.

  • since 4.05.0
val parse_expand : (key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit

Same as Arg.parse, except that the Expand arguments are allowed and the current reference is not updated.

  • since 4.05.0
exception Help of string

Raised by Arg.parse_argv when the user asks for help.

exception Bad of string

Functions in spec or anon_fun can raise Arg.Bad with an error message to reject invalid arguments. Arg.Bad is also raised by Arg.parse_argv in case of an error.

val usage_string : (key * spec * doc) list -> usage_msg -> string

Returns the message that would have been printed by Arg.usage, if provided with the same parameters.

val current : int ref

Position (in Sys.argv) of the argument being processed. You can change this value, e.g. to force Arg.parse to skip some arguments. Arg.parse uses the initial value of Arg.current as the index of argument 0 (the program name) and starts parsing arguments at the next element.

val read_arg : string -> string array

Arg.read_arg file reads newline-terminated command line arguments from file file.

  • since 4.05.0
val read_arg0 : string -> string array

Identical to Arg.read_arg but assumes null character terminated command line arguments.

  • since 4.05.0
val write_arg : string -> string array -> unit

Arg.write_arg file args writes the arguments args newline-terminated into the file file. If the any of the arguments in args contains a newline, use Arg.write_arg0 instead.

  • since 4.05.0
val write_arg0 : string -> string array -> unit

Identical to Arg.write_arg but uses the null character for terminator instead of newline.

  • since 4.05.0
val describe : string -> string -> string -> string
val make_arg : < kind : string ; show : 'a -> string ; store : 'a -> 'b.. > -> string -> 'a -> string -> string * 'b * string
val test_int : (int -> bool) -> < kind : string ; show : int ref -> string ; store : int ref -> Arg.spec >
val string : < kind : string ; show : 'a ref -> 'a ; store : string ref -> Arg.spec >
val int_option : < kind : string ; show : int option ref -> string ; store : int option ref -> Arg.spec >
val float_option : < kind : string ; show : float option ref -> string ; store : float option ref -> Arg.spec >
val str_option : < kind : string ; show : string option ref -> string ; store : string option ref -> Arg.spec >
val int : string -> int ref -> string -> string * Arg.spec * string
val float : string -> float ref -> string -> string * Arg.spec * string
val str : string -> string ref -> string -> string * Arg.spec * string
val duration : string -> float ref -> string -> string * Arg.spec * string
val may_int : string -> int option ref -> string -> string * Arg.spec * string
val may_float : string -> float option ref -> string -> string * Arg.spec * string
val may_str : string -> string option ref -> string -> string * Arg.spec * string
val positive_int : string -> int ref -> string -> string * Arg.spec * string
val bool : string -> bool ref -> string -> string * Arg.spec * string
val usage_header : string
val align : ?sep:string -> (key * spec * doc) list -> (key * spec * doc) list
val parse : ?f:anon_fun -> (key * spec * doc) list -> unit
val usage : (key * spec * doc) list -> unit
val two_strings : (string -> string -> unit) -> Arg.spec
val rest : unit -> string list

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