package dedukti

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Global Environment

val d_module : Basic.Debug.flag
type file = string
type signature_error =
  1. | UnmarshalBadVersionNumber of Basic.loc * file
  2. | UnmarshalSysError of Basic.loc * file * string
  3. | UnmarshalUnknown of Basic.loc * file
  4. | SymbolNotFound of Basic.loc *
  5. | AlreadyDefinedSymbol of Basic.loc *
  6. | CannotMakeRuleInfos of Rule.rule_error
  7. | CannotBuildDtree of Dtree.dtree_error
  8. | CannotAddRewriteRules of Basic.loc *
  9. | ConfluenceErrorImport of Basic.loc * Basic.mident * Confluence.confluence_error
  10. | ConfluenceErrorRules of Basic.loc * Rule.rule_infos list * Confluence.confluence_error
  11. | GuardNotSatisfied of Basic.loc * Term.term * Term.term
  12. | CannotExportModule of Basic.mident * exn
  13. | PrivateSymbol of Basic.loc *
  14. | ExpectedACUSymbol of Basic.loc *
exception Signature_error of signature_error

Wrapper exception for errors occuring while handling a signature.

type staticity =
  1. | Static
  2. | Definable of Term.algebra
  3. | Injective

    Is the symbol allowed to have rewrite rules or not ? And if it has, can it be considered injective by the type-checker ?

type scope =
  1. | Public
  2. | Private

    Should the symbol be accessible from outside its definition file ?

type t

A collection of well-typed symbols and rewrite rules.

val make : Basic.mident -> (Basic.loc -> Basic.mident -> file) -> t

make file creates a new signature corresponding to the file file.

val get_name : t -> Basic.mident

get_name sg returns the name of the signature sg.

val export : t -> out_channel -> unit

export sg oc saves the current environment in oc file.

val get_id_comparator : t -> Term.comparator
val import_signature : t -> t -> unit

import sg sg_ext imports the signature sg_ext into the signature sg.

val is_static : t -> Basic.loc -> -> bool

is_static sg l cst is true when cst is a static symbol.

val is_injective : t -> Basic.loc -> -> bool

is_injective sg l cst is true when cst is either static or declared as injective.

val get_type : t -> Basic.loc -> -> Term.term

get_type sg l md id returns the type of the constant inside the environement sg.

val get_staticity : t -> Basic.loc -> -> staticity

get_staticity sg l md id returns the staticity of the symbol

val get_algebra : t -> Basic.loc -> -> Term.algebra

get_algebra sg l md id returns the algebra of the symbol

val get_neutral : t -> Basic.loc -> -> Term.term

get_neutral sg l md id returns the neutral element of the ACU symbol

val is_AC : t -> Basic.loc -> -> bool

is_AC sg l na returns true when na is declared as AC symbol

val import : t -> Basic.loc -> Basic.mident -> unit

import sg md the module md in the signature sg.

val get_dtree : t -> Basic.loc -> -> Dtree.t

get_dtree sg filter l cst returns the decision/matching tree associated with cst inside the environment sg.

val get_rules : t -> Basic.loc -> -> Rule.rule_infos list

get_rules sg lc cst returns a list of rules that defines the symbol.

val add_external_declaration : t -> Basic.loc -> -> scope -> staticity -> Term.term -> unit

add_external_declaration sg l cst sc st ty declares the symbol id of type ty, scope sc and staticity st in the environment sg.

val add_declaration : t -> Basic.loc -> Basic.ident -> scope -> staticity -> Term.term -> unit

add_declaration sg l id sc st ty declares the symbol id of type ty and staticity st in the environment sg. If sc is Private then the symbol cannot be used in other modules

val add_rules : t -> Rule.rule_infos list -> unit

add_rules sg rule_lst adds a list of rule to a symbol in the environement sg. All rules must be on the same symbol.

type rw_infos = {
  1. stat : staticity;

    Whether a symbol is definable

  2. ty : Term.term;

    The type of a symbol

  3. scope : scope;

    The scope of the symbol (Public/Private)

  4. rules : Rule.rule_infos list;

    The stack pile of rules associated to a symbol. They are imported in the signature in the order by they are declared within the file

  5. decision_tree : Dtree.t option;

    The decision tree computed for the set of rules declared above

val get_rw_infos : t -> Basic.mident -> Basic.ident -> rw_infos option
val fold_symbols : (Basic.mident -> Basic.ident -> rw_infos -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

fold_symbols f sg t folds the function f on all symbol_infos in the signature starting from t.

val iter_symbols : (Basic.mident -> Basic.ident -> rw_infos -> unit) -> t -> unit

iter_symbols f sg iters the function f on all symbol_infos in the signature.


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