package cvc5

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type term
val delete : term -> unit

Term instance destructor

val id : term -> int

Get the id of the term.

val equal : term -> term -> bool

Syntactic equality operator.

val kind : term -> Kind.t

Get the kind of the term.

val sort : term -> Sort.sort

Get the sort of the term.

val to_string : term -> string

Get the string representation of the term.

val mk_const : -> Sort.sort -> term

Create a free constant.

Parameters: - The sort of the constant

val mk_const_s : -> Sort.sort -> string -> term

Create a named free constant.

Parameters: - The sort of the constant

  • The name of the constant
val mk_var : -> Sort.sort -> term

Create a bound variable to be used in a binder (i.e., a quantifier, a lambda, or a witness binder).

Parameters: - The sort of the variable

val mk_var_s : -> Sort.sort -> string -> term

Create a named bound variable to be used in a binder (i.e., a quantifier, a lambda, or a witness binder).

Parameters: - The sort of the variable

  • The name of the variable
val mk_term : -> Kind.t -> term array -> term

Create n-ary term of given kind.

Parameters: - The kind of the term

  • The children of the term
val mk_term_1 : -> Kind.t -> term -> term

Create a unary term of a given kind.

Parameters: - The kind of the term

  • The child of the term
val mk_term_2 : -> Kind.t -> term -> term -> term

Create a binary term of a given kind.

Parameters: - The kind of the term

  • The children of the term
val mk_term_3 : -> Kind.t -> term -> term -> term -> term

Create a ternary term of a given kind.

Parameters: - The kind of the term

  • The children of the term
val mk_term_op : -> Op.op -> term array -> term

Create n-ary term of a given kind from a given operator.

Parameters: - The operator

  • The children of the term
val mk_true : -> term

Create a Boolean true constant.

val mk_false : -> term

Create a Boolean false constant.

val mk_bool : -> bool -> term

Create a Boolean constant.

Parameters: - The value of the constant

val mk_int : -> int -> term

Create an integer constant.

Parameters: - The value of the constant

val mk_string : -> ?useEscSequences:bool -> string -> term

Create a String constant from a string which may contain SMT-LIB compatible escape sequences like \u1234 to encode unicode characters.

Parameters: - The string this constant represents

  • (optional) A boolean that determines whether the escape sequences in the string should be converted to the corresponding unicode character
val mk_real_s : -> string -> term

Create a real constant from a string.

Parameters: - The string representation of the constant, may represent an integer (e.g., "123") or a real constant (e.g., "12.34" or "12/34")

val mk_real_i : -> int64 -> term

Create a real constant from an integer.

Parameters: - The value of the constant

val mk_real : -> int64 -> int64 -> term

Create a real constant from a rational.

Parameters: - The value of the numerator

  • The value of the denominator
val mk_bv : -> int -> int64 -> term

Create a bit-vector constant of a given size and value.

Parameters: - The bit-width of the bit-vector sort

  • The value of the constant
val mk_bv_s : -> int -> string -> int -> term

Create a bit-vector constant of a given bit-width from a given string of base 2, 10, or 16.

Parameters: - The bit-width of the constant

  • The string representation of the constant
  • The base of the string representation (2 for binary, 10 for decimal, and 16 for hexadecimal)

Create a rounding mode value.

Parameters: - The floating-point rounding mode this constant represents

val mk_fp : -> int -> int -> term -> term

Create a floating-point value from a bit-vector given in IEEE-754 format.

Parameters: - Size of the exponent

  • Size of the significand
  • Value of the floating-point constant as a bit-vector term
val mk_fp_from_terms : -> term -> term -> term -> term

Create a floating-point value from its three IEEE-754 bit-vector value components (sign bit, exponent, significand)

Parameters: - The bit-vector representing the sign bit

  • The bit-vector representing the exponent
  • The bit-vector representing the significand
val mk_fp_pos_inf : -> int -> int -> term

Create a positive infinity floating-point constant (SMT-LIB: +oo).

Parameters: - Number of bits in the exponent

  • Number of bits in the significand
val mk_fp_neg_inf : -> int -> int -> term

Create a negative infinity floating-point constant (SMT-LIB: -oo).

Parameters: - Number of bits in the exponent

  • Number of bits in the significand
val mk_fp_nan : -> int -> int -> term

Create a not-a-number floating-point constant (SMT-LIB: NaN).

Parameters: - Number of bits in the exponent

  • Number of bits in the significand
val mk_fp_pos_zero : -> int -> int -> term

Create a positive zero floating-point constant (SMT-LIB: +zero).

Parameters: - Number of bits in the exponent

  • Number of bits in the significand
val mk_fp_neg_zero : -> int -> int -> term

Create a negative zero floating-point constant (SMT-LIB: -zero).

Parameters: - Number of bits in the exponent

  • Number of bits in the significand
val is_int : term -> bool

Determine if the term is an int value.

val is_real : term -> bool

Determine if the term is a real value.

val is_string : term -> bool

Determine if the term is a string value.

val is_bool : term -> bool

Determine if the term is a bool value.

val is_int32 : term -> bool

Determine if the term is a int32 value.

val is_bv : term -> bool

Determine if the term is a bit-vector value.

val is_int64 : term -> bool

Determine if the term is a int64 value.

val is_uint32 : term -> bool

Determine if the term is a uint32 value.

val is_uint64 : term -> bool

Determine if the term is a uint64 value.

val is_rm : term -> bool

Determine if the term is a floating-point rounding mode value.

val is_fp : term -> bool

Determine if a given term is a floating-point value.

val get_int : term -> int

Get the integer value.

val get_real : term -> float

Get the real value.

val get_string : term -> string

Get the string value.

val get_bool : term -> bool

Get the Boolean value.

val get_int32 : term -> int32

Get the int32 value.

val get_int64 : term -> int64

Get the int64 value.

val get_uint32 : term -> int

Get the uint32 value.

val get_uint64 : term -> int

Get the uint64 value.

val get_bv : term -> int -> string

Get the string representation of the bit-vector value.

Parameters: - Base. 2 for binary, 10 for decimal, and 16 for hexadecimal

val get_rm : term -> RoundingMode.t

Get the rounding mode value.

val get_fp : term -> int * int * term

Get the representation of a floating-point value as a tuple of its exponent width, significand width and a bit-vector value term.


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