package current_docker

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Low-level API. This is useful for building custom components. The functions are similar to the ones in S.DOCKER except that each one takes the context explicitly as an argument, there are no labels, input values are no longer wrapped with Current.t, and the output is a Current.Primitive.t type. You can wrap these with let> to create your own components.

module Image : sig ... end
val pull : docker_context:string option -> schedule:Current_cache.Schedule.t -> ?auth:(string * string) -> ?server:string -> ?arch:string -> string -> Image.t Current.Primitive.t
val peek : docker_context:string option -> schedule:Current_cache.Schedule.t -> arch:string -> string -> S.repo_id Current.Primitive.t
val build : docker_context:string option -> ?level:Current.Level.t -> ?schedule:Current_cache.Schedule.t -> ?timeout:Duration.t -> ?squash:bool -> ?buildx:bool -> ?dockerfile:[ `File of Fpath.t | `Contents of string ] -> ?path:Fpath.t -> ?pool:unit Current.Pool.t -> ?build_args:string list -> pull:bool -> [ `Git of Current_git.Commit.t | `Dir of Fpath.t | `No_context ] -> Image.t Current.Primitive.t
val run : docker_context:string option -> ?pool:unit Current.Pool.t -> ?run_args:string list -> Image.t -> args:string list -> unit Current.Primitive.t
val pread : docker_context:string option -> ?pool:unit Current.Pool.t -> ?run_args:string list -> Image.t -> args:string list -> string Current.Primitive.t
val tag : docker_context:string option -> tag:string -> Image.t -> unit Current.Primitive.t
val push : docker_context:string option -> ?auth:(string * string) -> ?server:string -> tag:string -> Image.t -> S.repo_id Current.Primitive.t
val service : docker_context:string option -> name:string -> image:Image.t -> unit -> unit Current.Primitive.t
val compose : ?pull:bool -> docker_context:string option -> name:string -> contents:string -> unit -> unit Current.Primitive.t
val compose_cli : ?pull:bool -> ?up_args:string list -> docker_context:string option -> name:string -> detach:bool -> contents:string -> unit -> unit Current.Primitive.t
module Cmd : sig ... end

Building Docker commands.


Innovation. Community. Security.