package current_docker

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The default Docker engine (from the $DOCKER_HOST environment variable).

module Image : sig ... end
val docker_context : string option
val pull : ?auth:(string * string) -> ?server:string -> ?label:string -> ?arch:string -> schedule:Current_cache.Schedule.t -> string -> Image.t Current.t

pull ~schedule tag ensures that the latest version of tag is cached locally, downloading it if not.

  • parameter arch

    Select a specific architecture from a multi-arch manifest.

  • parameter schedule

    Controls how often we check for updates. If the schedule has no valid_for limit then we will only ever pull once.

  • parameter auth

    If given, do a "docker login" using this username/password pair before pulling.

  • parameter server

    If given, do a "docker login" against this registry server.

val peek : ?label:string -> arch:string -> schedule:Current_cache.Schedule.t -> string -> S.repo_id Current.t

peek ~schedule ~arch tag gets the latest version of tag without actually pulling it.

  • parameter arch

    Select a specific architecture from a multi-arch manifest.

  • parameter schedule

    Controls how often we check for updates. If the schedule has no valid_for limit then we will only ever check once.

val build : ?level:Current.Level.t -> ?schedule:Current_cache.Schedule.t -> ?timeout:Duration.t -> ?squash:bool -> ?buildx:bool -> ?label:string -> ?dockerfile:[ `File of Fpath.t | `Contents of string ] Current.t -> ?path:Fpath.t -> ?pool:unit Current.Pool.t -> ?build_args:string list -> pull:bool -> S.source -> Image.t Current.t

build ~pull src builds a Docker image from source.

  • parameter timeout

    If set, abort builds that take longer than this.

  • parameter squash

    If set to true, pass "--squash" to "docker build".

  • parameter buildx

    If set to true, runs with "docker buildx build" instead of "docker build".

  • parameter dockerfile

    If present, this is used as the contents of the Dockerfile.

  • parameter pull

    If true, always check for updates and pull the latest version.

  • parameter pool

    Rate limit builds by requiring a resource from the pool.

  • parameter path

    The relative file path passed to the docker build command as the build context. No checks are done over the path: it can point anywhere outside the build directory.

val run : ?label:string -> ?pool:unit Current.Pool.t -> ?run_args:string list -> Image.t Current.t -> args:string list -> unit Current.t

run image ~args runs image args with Docker.

  • parameter run_args

    List of additional arguments to pass to the "docker run" subcommand.

val pread : ?label:string -> ?pool:unit Current.Pool.t -> ?run_args:string list -> Image.t Current.t -> args:string list -> string Current.t

pread image ~args runs image args with Docker the same way than run does but returns its stdout as a string.

val tag : tag:string -> Image.t Current.t -> unit Current.t

tag image ~tag does "docker tag image tag"

val push : ?auth:(string * string) -> ?server:string -> tag:string -> Image.t Current.t -> S.repo_id Current.t

push image ~tag does "docker tag image tag && docker push tag".

  • parameter auth

    If given, do a "docker login" using this username/password pair before pushing.

  • parameter server

    If given, do a "docker login" against this registry server.

val service : name:string -> image:Image.t Current.t -> unit -> unit Current.t

service ~name ~image () keeps a Docker SwarmKit service up-to-date.

val compose : ?pull:bool -> name:string -> contents:string Current.t -> unit -> unit Current.t

compose ?pull ~name ~image ~contents () keeps a Docker Compose deployment up-to-date. contents contains the full Compose Yaml file.

  • parameter pull

    Controls whether images are pulled by the compose command, the default is true This calls `docker-compose` version 1 which as of April 2022 is deprecated in favour of version 2

val compose_cli : ?pull:bool -> ?up_args:string list -> name:string -> detach:bool -> contents:string Current.t -> unit -> unit Current.t

compose_cli ~name ~image ~contents () keeps a Docker Compose Cli deployment up-to-date. contents contains the full Compose Yaml file. up_args contains additional arguments to pass to the docker compose up command. This calls docker compose which is GA as of April 2022 and should be used in preference over version 1.


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