package cumulus

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Differential Signals

type ('a, 'da) t
type ('a, 'da) change =
  1. | Init of 'a

    an initial value of a cumulus signal

  2. | Patch of 'a * 'da

    the latest value and change of a cumulus signal

  3. | Keep of 'a

    the latest value of an unmodified signal


('a, 'da) change represents the value and latest change of a cumulus signal. Normally a signal goes from Init to a series of Patch possibly. The series of Patches may be interspersed with Keep for functions which observe the signal between its changes.

Init may also occur later in the series for some cumulus signals and indicates that it has been reinitialized. Such a cumulus signals are said to be discontinuous.

type ('a, 'da) update = 'a -> ('a, 'da) change

A shortcut for the function type used to represent updates to a cumulus signal. The function takes the current value of the signal and the result indicates the next value and how it changed from the current value. Patch (x', dx) announces that the value changed to x' with dx holding information about the difference from the current value x to x'. Keep x announces that the cumulus signal will remain unchanged, where x must be the argument to the update function. Init x' can be used to reinitialize the cumulus signal, introducing a discontinuity.

Construction and Integration

val const : 'a -> ('a, 'da) t

const v is the cumulus signal holding the constant value v.

val create : 'a -> ('a, 'da) t * (?step:React.Step.t -> ('a, 'da) change -> unit)

create v is a (v, f) where v is a new cumulus signal starting with the value v and which can be updated by calling f.

val of_event : 'a React.event -> (unit, 'a) t

of_event e is the cumulus signal having no state and reporting events from e as its changes.

val of_signal : 'a React.signal -> ('a, unit) t

of_signal s is a cumulus signal holding the same value as s at any time while providing no differential information about the changes.

val hold : 'a -> 'a React.event -> ('a, unit) t

hold v e is the cumulus signal starting at v, then taking values from e while providing no differential information about the changes.

val integrate : ('da -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'da React.event -> 'a -> ('a, 'da) t

integrate f e v is the cumulus signal starting off with v then for each occurrence dx of e, then signal is updated by f dx with dx reported as the change.

val fold : ('b -> ('a, 'da) update) -> 'b React.event -> 'a -> ('a, 'da) t


val stop : ?strong:bool -> ('a, 'da) t -> unit

stop c changes c into a constant cumulus signal holding the latest value. The strong parameter is relevant for platforms which don't have weak references. See the React library for details.


val value : ('a, 'da) t -> 'a

value c is the currently held value of c. This should not be called during an update step.

val signal : ('a, 'da) t -> 'a React.signal

signal c is the react signal holding the same value as c at any time.

val changes : ('a, 'da) t -> ('a, 'da) change React.event
val trace : (('a, 'da) change -> unit) -> ('a, 'da) t -> ('a, 'da) t

Full Lifting

val lift1 : init:('a -> 'b) -> patch:(('a, 'da) change -> ('b, 'db) update) -> ('a, 'da) t -> ('b, 'db) t
val lift2 : init:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> patch:(('a, 'da) change -> ('b, 'db) change -> ('c, 'dc) update) -> ('a, 'da) t -> ('b, 'db) t -> ('c, 'dc) t
val lift3 : init:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> patch: (('a, 'da) change -> ('b, 'db) change -> ('c, 'dc) change -> ('d, 'dd) update) -> ('a, 'da) t -> ('b, 'db) t -> ('c, 'dc) t -> ('d, 'dd) t

Simplified Lifting

These functions cover the common case of deriving new cumulus signals from existing ones. This is done by providing a function ~init which constructs the initial value from the latest values of the source signals, and a function ~patch which provides an update given the latest values and changes of the source signals. The following example combines two cumulus signals by pairing the values and combining the differentials:

let c =
  let init x1 x2 = (x1, x2) in
  let patch (x1, dx1) (x2, dx2) y =
    (match dx1, dx2 with
     | None, None -> Cumulus.Keep y
     | Some dx1, None -> Cumulus.Patch ((x1, x2), `Left dx1)
     | None, Some dx2 -> Cumulus.Patch ((x1, x2), `Right dx2)
     | Some dx1, Some dx2 -> Cumulus.Patch ((x1, x2), `Both (dx1, dx2)))
  Cumulus.l2 ~init ~patch c1 c2

The main difference from full lifting is that a discontinuity of any of the source signals will cause a discontinuity in the constructed signal, meaning that ~init will be called instead of ~patch, which for the common case of continuous cumulus signals makes no difference.

val l1 : init:('a -> 'b) -> patch:(('a * 'da) -> ('b, 'db) update) -> ('a, 'da) t -> ('b, 'db) t
val l2 : init:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> patch:(('a * 'da option) -> ('b * 'db option) -> ('c, 'dc) update) -> ('a, 'da) t -> ('b, 'db) t -> ('c, 'dc) t
val l3 : init:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> patch: (('a * 'da option) -> ('b * 'db option) -> ('c * 'dc option) -> ('d, 'dd) update) -> ('a, 'da) t -> ('b, 'db) t -> ('c, 'dc) t -> ('d, 'dd) t
val l4 : init:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) -> patch: (('a * 'da option) -> ('b * 'db option) -> ('c * 'dc option) -> ('d * 'dd option) -> ('e, 'de) update) -> ('a, 'da) t -> ('b, 'db) t -> ('c, 'dc) t -> ('d, 'dd) t -> ('e, 'de) t
val l5 : init:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f) -> patch: (('a * 'da option) -> ('b * 'db option) -> ('c * 'dc option) -> ('d * 'dd option) -> ('e * 'de option) -> ('f, 'df) update) -> ('a, 'da) t -> ('b, 'db) t -> ('c, 'dc) t -> ('d, 'dd) t -> ('e, 'de) t -> ('f, 'df) t
val l6 : init:('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g) -> patch: (('a * 'da option) -> ('b * 'db option) -> ('c * 'dc option) -> ('d * 'dd option) -> ('e * 'de option) -> ('f * 'df option) -> ('g, 'dg) update) -> ('a, 'da) t -> ('b, 'db) t -> ('c, 'dc) t -> ('d, 'dd) t -> ('e, 'de) t -> ('f, 'df) t -> ('g, 'dg) t
val lN : init:('a list -> 'b) -> patch:(('a * 'da option) list -> ('b, 'db) update) -> ('a, 'da) t list -> ('b, 'db) t

Higher Order

val bind : ('a, 'da) t -> (('a, 'da) change -> ('b, 'db) t) -> ('b, 'db) t

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