package css
Module type
Class type
module Log : sig ... end
module T : sig ... end
Types and base definitions.
module U : sig ... end
Utilities for parsing.
module Vp : sig ... end
Value parsers.
module S : sig ... end
module Sp : sig ... end
Statement parsers.
module P : sig ... end
module Sh : sig ... end
Shorthand properties.
module C : sig ... end
Computing values.
module Kw : sig ... end
All case-sensitive keywords
type 'ns css = 'ns S.statement list
A CSS structure is a list of S.statement
val parse_string :
?prop_space:(module P.Prop_space) ->
?fname:string ->
string ->
string css
type namespaces = Iri.t T.Smap.t
Namespaces map strings to IRIs.
val expand_ns : ?ns:namespaces -> string css -> Iri.t css
expand_ns css
expands the namespaces in the given css
, according to the namespace statements in css
. Some predefined namespaces can be given with ns
optional argument. If not specified, the default namespaces are used.
expand_nested statements
expands nested rules in statements
. By now, this expansion handles only nesting rules with a single selector nested.
val pp_string_css : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string css -> unit
Pretty-print the given (non-expanded) CSS to the given formatter.
val pp_iri_css : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Iri.t css -> unit
Pretty-print the given (with namespaces expanded) CSS to the given formatter.
See C.compute_decls