package cpdf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


type position =
  1. | PosCentre of float * float
  2. | PosLeft of float * float
  3. | PosRight of float * float
  4. | Top of float
  5. | TopLeft of float
  6. | TopRight of float
  7. | Left of float
  8. | BottomLeft of float
  9. | Bottom of float
  10. | BottomRight of float
  11. | Right of float
  12. | Diagonal
  13. | ReverseDiagonal
  14. | Centre

Possible positions for adding text and other uses. See cpdfmanual.pdf

val string_of_position : position -> string

Produce a debug string of a position

type orientation =
  1. | Horizontal
  2. | Vertical
  3. | VerticalDown

Orientation of the string on the page

val calculate_position : bool -> float -> (float * float * float * float) -> orientation -> position -> float * float * float

calculate_position ignore_d w (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) orientation pos calculates the absolute position of text given its width, bounding box, orientation and position. If ignore_d is true, the distance from the position (e.g 10 in TopLeft 10) is ignored (considered zero).


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