is a micro-benchmarking library for OCaml that can measure execution costs of operations that take 1ns to about 100ms. Core_bench
tries to measure execution costs of such short-lived computations precisely while trying to account for delayed GC costs and noise introduced by other activity on the system.
The easiest way to get started is using an example:
open! Core
open Core_bench.Std
let () =
Random.self_init ();
let x = Random.float 10.0 in
let y = Random.float 10.0 in (Bench.make_command [
Bench.Test.create ~name:"Float add" (fun () ->
ignore (x +. y));
Bench.Test.create ~name:"Float mul" (fun () ->
ignore (x *. y));
Bench.Test.create ~name:"Float div" (fun () ->
ignore (x /. y));
When compiled this gives you an executable:
$ ./z.exe -ascii
Estimated testing time 30s (3 benchmarks x 10s). Change using -quota SECS.
Name Time/Run mWd/Run Percentage
----------- ---------- --------- ------------
Float add 2.50ns 2.00w 41.70%
Float mul 2.55ns 2.00w 42.52%
Float div 5.99ns 2.00w 100.00%
If any of the functions resulted in allocation on the major heap (mjWd) or promotions (Prom), columns corresponding to those would be automatically displayed. Columns that do not have significant values are not displayed by default. The most common options one would want to change are the `-q` flag which controls the time quota for testing and enabling/disabling specific columns. For example:
$ ./z.exe -ascii -q 1 cycles
Estimated testing time 3s (3 benchmarks x 1s). Change using -quota SECS.
Name Time/Run Cycls/Run mWd/Run Percentage
----------- ---------- ----------- --------- ------------
Float add 2.50ns 8.49c 2.00w 41.78%
Float mul 2.77ns 9.40c 2.00w 46.29%
Float div 5.99ns 20.31c 2.00w 100.00%
If you drop the `-ascii` flag, the output table uses extended Ascii characters. These display well on most modern terminals, but not on ocamldoc.
The simplest benchmark specification is just a unit -> unit
thunk and a name:
Bench.Test.create ~name:"Float add" (fun () -> ignore (x +. y));
One can also create indexed benchmarks, which can be helpful in understanding non-linearities in the execution profiles of functions. For example:
open! Core open Core_bench.Std
let () = (Bench.make_command [
~args:[1; 10; 100; 200; 300; 400]
(fun len ->
Staged.stage (fun () -> ignore(Array.create ~len 0)));
this produces:
$ ./z.exe -ascii -q 3
Estimated testing time 18s (6 benchmarks x 3s). Change using -quota SECS.
Name Time/Run mWd/Run mjWd/Run Percentage
------------------ ------------ --------- ---------- ------------
Array.create:1 27.23ns 2.00w 1.08%
Array.create:10 38.79ns 11.00w 1.53%
Array.create:100 124.05ns 101.00w 4.91%
Array.create:200 188.13ns 201.00w 7.44%
Array.create:300 1_887.20ns 301.00w 74.64%
Array.create:400 2_528.43ns 401.00w 100.00%
Executables produced using Bench.make_command
are self documenting (use the `-?` flag). The documentation in the executable also closely corresponds to the functionality exposed through the .mli and is a great way to interactively explore what the various options do.
module Test : sig ... end
are benchmarked by calls to bench.
s represent variables than can be used as predictors or the responder when specifying a regression.
module Quota : sig ... end
A quota can be specified as an amount of wall time, or a number of times to run the function.
specifies how a benchmark should be run.
specifies how the output tables should be formatted.
Each Analysis_config.t
specifies a regression run by Core_bench
. This module also provides several typical regressions that one might want to run.
A Measurement.t
represents the result of measuring execution of a Test.t
. It is used as input for subsequent analysis.
make_command tests
is the easiest way to generate a command-line program that runs a list of benchmarks. Here tests : Test.t list
are the benchmarks that should be run. This returns a Command.t
which provides a command-line interface for running the benchmarks. See notes above for an example.
bench tests
will run, analyze and display the specified tests
. Use this when one needs more control over the execution parameters that what is exposed through make_command
. bench
can also save the measurements of each test to the filename returned by save_to_file
is a fragment of the functionality of bench
. measure tests
will run the specified tests
and return the resulting measurement results.
is a fragment of the functionality of bench
. analyze ~analysis_configs m
will analyze the measurement m
using the regressions specified.
is a fragment of the functionality of bench
. display results
will display a tabular summary of results
on the terminal.
is useful for creating Command.t
s that have command line flags in addition to those provided by make_command