package coq
type (!'a, !'b, !'c) red_expr_gen =
| Red of bool
| Hnf
| Simpl of 'b glob_red_flag * ('b, 'c) Util.union Locus.with_occurrences option
| Cbv of 'b glob_red_flag
| Cbn of 'b glob_red_flag
| Lazy of 'b glob_red_flag
| Unfold of 'b Locus.with_occurrences list
| Fold of 'a list
| Pattern of 'a Locus.with_occurrences list
| ExtraRedExpr of string
| CbvVm of ('b, 'c) Util.union Locus.with_occurrences option
| CbvNative of ('b, 'c) Util.union Locus.with_occurrences option
type (!'a, !'b, !'c) may_eval =
| ConstrTerm of 'a
| ConstrEval of ('a, 'b, 'c) red_expr_gen * 'a
| ConstrContext of Names.Id.t Loc.located * 'a
| ConstrTypeOf of 'a
type r_trm = Constrexpr.constr_expr
type r_pat = Constrexpr.constr_pattern_expr
type r_cst = Libnames.reference Misctypes.or_by_notation
type raw_red_expr = (r_trm, r_cst, r_pat) red_expr_gen
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"