package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type side =
  1. | Left
  2. | Right
type gram_assoc =
  1. | NonA
  2. | RightA
  3. | LeftA
type gram_position =
  1. | First
  2. | Last
  3. | Before of string
  4. | After of string
  5. | Level of string
type production_position =
  1. | BorderProd of side * gram_assoc option
  2. | InternalProd
type production_level =
  1. | NextLevel
  2. | NumLevel of int
type (!'lev, !'pos) constr_entry_key_gen =
  1. | ETName
  2. | ETReference
  3. | ETBigint
  4. | ETBinder of bool
  5. | ETConstr of 'lev * 'pos
  6. | ETPattern
  7. | ETOther of string * string
  8. | ETConstrList of 'lev * 'pos * Tok.t list
  9. | ETBinderList of bool * Tok.t list
type constr_entry_key = (int, unit) constr_entry_key_gen
type simple_constr_prod_entry_key = (production_level, unit) constr_entry_key_gen
type !'a user_symbol =
  1. | Ulist1 of 'a user_symbol
  2. | Ulist1sep of 'a user_symbol * string
  3. | Ulist0 of 'a user_symbol
  4. | Ulist0sep of 'a user_symbol * string
  5. | Uopt of 'a user_symbol
  6. | Uentry of 'a
  7. | Uentryl of 'a * int
type (!'self10, !'a7) symbol =
  1. | Atoken : Tok.t -> ('self, string) symbol
  2. | Alist1 : ('self0, 'a) symbol -> ('self0, 'a list) symbol
  3. | Alist1sep : ('self1, 'a0) symbol * ('self1, 'b) symbol -> ('self1, 'a0 list) symbol
  4. | Alist0 : ('self2, 'a1) symbol -> ('self2, 'a1 list) symbol
  5. | Alist0sep : ('self3, 'a2) symbol * ('self3, 'c) symbol -> ('self3, 'a2 list) symbol
  6. | Aopt : ('self4, 'a3) symbol -> ('self4, 'a3 option) symbol
  7. | Aself : ('self5, 'self5) symbol
  8. | Anext : ('self6, 'self6) symbol
  9. | Aentry : 'a4 entry -> ('self7, 'a4) symbol
  10. | Aentryl : 'a5 entry * int -> ('self8, 'a5) symbol
  11. | Arules : 'a6 rules list -> ('self9, 'a6) symbol
and (!'self1, !_, !'r1) rule =
  1. | Stop : ('self, 'r, 'r) rule
  2. | Next : ('self0, 'a, 'r0) rule * ('self0, 'b) symbol -> ('self0, 'b -> 'a, 'r0) rule
and (!'a, !'r) norec_rule = {
  1. norec_rule : 's. ('s, 'a, 'r) rule;
and !'a0 rules =
  1. | Rules : ('act, Loc.t -> 'a) norec_rule * 'act -> 'a rules
type !'a0 production_rule =
  1. | Rule : ('a, 'act, Loc.t -> 'a) rule * 'act -> 'a production_rule
type !'a single_extend_statment = string option * gram_assoc option * 'a production_rule list
type !'a extend_statment = gram_position option * 'a single_extend_statment list

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