package coq
type 'a entry = 'a Grammar.GMake(CLexer).Entry.e
type constr_entry_key = (int, unit) constr_entry_key_gen
type constr_prod_entry_key =
(production_level, production_position) constr_entry_key_gen
type simple_constr_prod_entry_key =
(production_level, unit) constr_entry_key_gen
type !'a user_symbol =
| Ulist1 of 'a user_symbol
| Ulist1sep of 'a user_symbol * string
| Ulist0 of 'a user_symbol
| Ulist0sep of 'a user_symbol * string
| Uopt of 'a user_symbol
| Uentry of 'a
| Uentryl of 'a * int
type (!'self10, !'a7) symbol =
| Atoken : Tok.t -> ('self, string) symbol
| Alist1 : ('self0, 'a) symbol -> ('self0, 'a list) symbol
| Alist1sep : ('self1, 'a0) symbol * ('self1, 'b) symbol -> ('self1, 'a0 list) symbol
| Alist0 : ('self2, 'a1) symbol -> ('self2, 'a1 list) symbol
| Alist0sep : ('self3, 'a2) symbol * ('self3, 'c) symbol -> ('self3, 'a2 list) symbol
| Aopt : ('self4, 'a3) symbol -> ('self4, 'a3 option) symbol
| Aself : ('self5, 'self5) symbol
| Anext : ('self6, 'self6) symbol
| Aentry : 'a4 entry -> ('self7, 'a4) symbol
| Aentryl : 'a5 entry * int -> ('self8, 'a5) symbol
| Arules : 'a6 rules list -> ('self9, 'a6) symbol
type !'a single_extend_statment =
string option * gram_assoc option * 'a production_rule list
type !'a extend_statment =
gram_position option * 'a single_extend_statment list
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"