package coq-waterproof

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val automation_shield : bool ref

Is automation shield enabled ?

val automation_debug : bool ref

Do we want to debug the automation ?

val waterprove : int -> ?shield:bool -> Tactypes.delayed_open_constr list -> Hint_dataset_declarations.database_type -> unit Proofview.tactic


This function is the main automatic solver of coq-waterproof.

The databases used for the proof search are the one declared in the current imported dataset (see Hint_dataset.loaded_hint_dataset).

The forbidden patterns are defined in is_forbidden.


  • depth (int): max depth of the proof search
  • shield (bool): if set to true, will stop the proof search if a forbidden pattern is found
  • lems (Tactypes.delayed_open_constr list): additional lemmas that are given to solve the proof
  • database_type (Hint_dataset_declarations): type of databases that will be use as hint databases
val rwaterprove : int -> ?shield:bool -> Tactypes.delayed_open_constr list -> Hint_dataset_declarations.database_type -> Evd.econstr list -> Evd.econstr list -> unit Proofview.tactic

Restricted Waterprove

This function is similar to waterprove but use wp_auto.rwp_auto and wp_eauto.rwp_eauto instead of wp_auto.wp_auto and wp_eauto.wp_eauto.


  • depth (int): max depth of the proof search
  • shield (bool): if set to true, will stop the proof search if a forbidden pattern is found
  • lems (Tactypes.delayed_open_constr list): additional lemmas that are given to solve the proof
  • database_type (Hint_dataset_declarations): type of databases that will be use as hint databases
  • must_use (string list): list of hints that have to be used during the automatic solving
  • forbidden (string list): list of hints that must not be used during the automatic solving

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