package coq-lsp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

JSON-RPC input/output

val set_log_fn : (Yojson.Safe.t -> unit) -> unit

Set the log function

val read_raw_message : Stdlib.in_channel -> (Yojson.Safe.t, string) Result.t option

Read a JSON-RPC message from channel

val read_message : Stdlib.in_channel -> (Base.Message.t, string) Result.t option

None signals EOF

val send_json : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Yojson.Safe.t -> unit

Send a JSON-RPC request to channel


module TraceValue : sig ... end

Trace values

val set_trace_value : TraceValue.t -> unit

Set the trace value

module Lvl : sig ... end
val logMessage : lvl:Lvl.t -> message:string -> unit

Send a window/logMessage notification to the client

val logMessageInt : lvl:int -> message:string -> unit

Send a window/logMessage notification to the client

val logTrace : message:string -> extra:string option -> unit

Send a $/logTrace notification to the client

val trace : string -> ?extra:string -> string -> unit

log hdr ?extra message Log message to server info log with header hdr. extra will be used when trace_value is set to Verbose

val trace_object : string -> Yojson.Safe.t -> unit

Log JSON object to server info log


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