package cookies

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The Cookie module implements HTTP Cookies sent in a 'Cookie' header in a http request or 'Set-Cookie' headers added in a http response.

The module closely follows the HTTP Cookie specification as defined in RFC6265

type t

Represents either a Cookie name-value in 'Cookie' request header or a set of cookie attributes in 'Set-Cookie' response header.

type error = private [>
  1. | `Cookie_name_error of string

    Denotes 'cookie name' validation and parsing errors.

  2. | `Cookie_value_error of string

    Denotes 'cookie value' validation and parsing errors.

  3. | `Cookie_domain_av_error of string

    Denotes 'cookie domain' attribue value validation and parsing errors.

  4. | `Cookie_path_error of string

    Denotes 'cookie path' attribute value validation and parsing errors.

  5. | `Cookie_max_age_error of string

    Denotes 'cookie max-age' attribute value validation errors.

  6. | `Cookie_extension_error of string

    Denotes 'cookie extension' attribute value validation errors.

val sexp_of_error : error -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val create : name:string -> value:string -> ?sanitize_name:bool -> ?sanitize_value:bool -> ?path:string -> ?domain:string -> ?expires:Ptime.t -> ?max_age:int -> ?secure:bool -> ?http_only:bool -> ?same_site:Same_site.t -> ?extension:string -> unit -> (t, error) Stdlib.result

create ... () parse a cookie instance t from given value parameters. If the given values parses successfully, then Ok t is returned. If an error is encountered while parsing then an Error err is returned.

~sanitize_value if true then value is double quoted if it starts or ends in a ' '(space) or a ','(comma) character.

~sanitize_name if true and name contains '\n' or '\r' character then it is replaced by '-' character.

val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val name : t -> string

name t returns a cookie name. See 'cookie-name' definition for details.

val value : t -> string

value t returns a cookie value. See 'cookie-value' definition in

val path : t -> string option

path t returns cookie path attribute. See

val domain : t -> string option

domain t returns cookie domain attribute. See

val expires : t -> Ptime.t option

expires t returns a coookie expires attribute. See

Additionally, the date format followed is as specified in

val max_age : t -> int option

max_age t returns a cookie max_age attribute. See

Additionally, see 'max-age-av' in

val secure : t -> bool option

secure t returns a secure attribute. See

val http_only : t -> bool option

http_only t returns a http_only attribute. See

val same_site : t -> Same_site.t option

same_site t returns a same_site attribute. See

val extension : t -> string option

extension t returns a cookie extension value. See k

of_cookie_header s parses s - a string value which represents HTTP 'Cookie' header value as defined in and returns a list of Cookies. Examples of s is SID=31d4d96e407aad42; lang=en-US. Here we define 2 cookies 'SID' and 'lang-en'.

to_set_header c serializes c into a string which can be used as value for HTTP 'Set-Cookie' header.

to_cookie_header c serializes c into a string which can used as value for HTTP 'Cookie' header.


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