package colibri2

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Map : module type of Extmap

Association tables over ordered types

val sexp_of_t_of_pp : 'a Fmt.t -> 'a -> Base.Sexp.t
module type TaggedType = sig ... end
module type OrderedHashedType = sig ... end
module type Datatype = sig ... end
module type NamedDatatype = sig ... end
module type Printable = sig ... end
module MkDatatype (T : OrderedHashedType) : sig ... end
module OrderedHashed (X : TaggedType) : OrderedHashedType with type t = X.t
module MakeMSH (X : TaggedType) : Datatype with type t = X.t
module MakeMSHW (X : Weakhtbl.Weakey) : sig ... end
module DInt : Datatype with type t = int
module DIntOrd : Datatype with type t = int
module DStr : Datatype with type t = string
module DFloat : Datatype with type t = float
module DUnit : Datatype with type t = unit
module DBool : Datatype with type t = bool

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