Module type
Class type
The Logs
source name for this module's logger is "cohttp.lwt.jsoo"
. To log the current warnings using the browser's console log, you can write a custom reporter or use:
let reporter = Logs_browser.console_reporter () in
Logs.set_reporter reporter
module type Params = sig ... end
Configuration parameters for the XmlHttpRequest engines
module Make_client_async (_ : Params) : Cohttp_lwt.S.Client
Build an asynchronous engine with chunked/unchucked response data treated as raw bytes or UTF
module Make_client_sync (_ : Params) : Cohttp_lwt.S.Client
Build a synchronous engine with chunked/unchucked response data treated as raw bytes or UTF
module Client : Cohttp_lwt.S.Client
The Client
module implements an HTTP client interface using asynchronous XmlHttpRequests. The response body is returned in chucked form with 128Kb / chunk. Body data is treated as raw bytes. withCredentials property of XHR is set to false.
module Client_sync : Cohttp_lwt.S.Client
The Client_sync
module implements an HTTP client interface using synchronous XmlHttpRequests. The response is not chunked and treated as raw bytes. withCredentials property of XHR is set to false.