package coccinelle

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type line_restriction =
  1. | Included of int * int
  2. | Excluded of int * int
type program2 = toplevel2 list
and extended_program2 = toplevel2 list * (string, Lexer_parser.identkind) Common.scoped_h_env * (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
and toplevel2 = Ast_c.toplevel * info_item
and info_item = string * Parser_c.token list
type !'a generic_parse_info = {
  1. filename : string;
  2. ranges : line_restriction list option;
  3. parse_trees : 'a;
  4. statistics : Parsing_stat.parsing_stat;
type parse_info = program2 generic_parse_info
type extended_parse_info = extended_program2 generic_parse_info
val _defs : (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t Stdlib.ref
val _defs_builtins : (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t Stdlib.ref
val init_defs_macros : Common.filename -> unit
val init_defs_builtins : Common.filename -> unit
val parse_c_and_cpp : bool -> bool -> Common.filename -> program2 * Parsing_stat.parsing_stat
val parse_c_and_cpp_keep_typedefs : (string, Lexer_parser.identkind) Common.scoped_h_env option -> (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t option -> bool -> bool -> Common.filename -> extended_parse_info * extended_parse_info list
val parse_cache : (string, Lexer_parser.identkind) Common.scoped_h_env option -> bool -> bool -> Common.filename -> bool -> extended_parse_info * extended_parse_info list
val extract_macros : Common.filename -> (string, Cpp_token_c.define_def) Common.assoc
val tokens : ?profile:bool -> Common.filename -> Parser_c.token list
val tokens_of_string : string -> Stdlib.Lexing.position option -> Parser_c.token list
val parse_gen : cpp:bool -> tos:bool -> ((Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> Parser_c.token) -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> 'a) -> Stdlib.Lexing.position option -> string -> 'a
val type_of_string : string -> Ast_c.fullType
val statement_of_string : string -> Ast_c.statement
val cstatement_of_string : string -> Ast_c.statement
val cexpression_of_string : string -> Ast_c.expression
val print_commentized : Parser_c.token list -> unit
val program_of_program2 : program2 -> Ast_c.program
val with_program2 : (Ast_c.program -> Ast_c.program) -> program2 -> program2
type parse_error_function = int -> Parser_c.token list -> (int * int) -> string array -> int -> unit
val set_parse_error_function : parse_error_function -> unit

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