package clangml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include sig ... end
val placeholder_hashtbl_sz : int
type antiquotation = {
  1. antiquotation_type : Clangml_ppx__.Ppx_lexer.antiquotation_type;
  2. placeholder : string;
  3. payload : Ppxlib.payload Location.loc;
  4. pos_begin : int;
  5. pos_end : int;
val extract_antiquotations : string -> string * antiquotation list
type kind =
  1. | Expr
  2. | Qual_type
  3. | Decl
  4. | Stmt
  5. | Translation_unit
val kind_of_string : string -> kind
module String_hashtbl : sig ... end
type arguments = {
  1. preamble : string list;
  2. standard : Clang.clang_ext_langstandards option;
  3. return_type : string option;
val empty_arguments : arguments
val find_and_remove : 'a String_hashtbl.t -> String_hashtbl.key -> 'b option
val is_empty : 'a String_hashtbl.t -> bool
type extension =
  1. | Quotation of {
    1. language : Clang.language;
    2. payload : Ppxlib.payload;
    3. loc : Location.t;
  2. | If_standard of {
    1. name : string;
    2. expr : Ppxlib.expression;
    3. loc : Location.t;
val begin_ppx_code : string
val end_ppx_code : string
val extract_items_aux : Clang.Decl.t list -> Clang.Decl.t list -> Clang.Decl.t list
val extract_items : Clang.Decl.t list -> Clang.Decl.t list
type mapper = {
  1. expression : Ppxlib.expression -> Ppxlib.expression;
  2. pattern : Ppxlib.pattern -> Ppxlib.pattern;
  3. payload : Ppxlib.payload -> Ppxlib.payload;
module type TargetS = sig ... end
module Make (Target : TargetS) : sig ... end
module MapperExp : sig ... end
module MapperPat : sig ... end
val ppx_pattern_mapper :