Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
Parsing PDF Graphics Streams
type t =
| Op_w of float
| Op_J of int
| Op_j of int
| Op_M of float
| Op_d of float list * float
| Op_ri of string
| Op_i of int
| Op_gs of string
| Op_q
| Op_Q
| Op_cm of Pdftransform.transform_matrix
| Op_m of float * float
| Op_l of float * float
| Op_c of float * float * float * float * float * float
| Op_v of float * float * float * float
| Op_y of float * float * float * float
| Op_h
| Op_re of float * float * float * float
| Op_S
| Op_s
| Op_f
| Op_F
| Op_f'
| Op_B
| Op_B'
| Op_b
| Op_b'
| Op_n
| Op_W
| Op_W'
| Op_BT
| Op_ET
| Op_Tc of float
| Op_Tw of float
| Op_Tz of float
| Op_TL of float
| Op_Tf of string * float
| Op_Tr of int
| Op_Ts of float
| Op_Td of float * float
| Op_TD of float * float
| Op_Tm of Pdftransform.transform_matrix
| Op_T'
| Op_Tj of string
| Op_TJ of Pdf.pdfobject
| Op_' of string
| Op_'' of float * float * string
| Op_d0 of float * float
| Op_d1 of float * float * float * float * float * float
| Op_CS of string
| Op_cs of string
| Op_SC of float list
| Op_sc of float list
| Op_SCN of float list
| Op_scn of float list
| Op_SCNName of string * float list
| Op_scnName of string * float list
| Op_G of float
| Op_g of float
| Op_RG of float * float * float
| Op_rg of float * float * float
| Op_K of float * float * float * float
| Op_k of float * float * float * float
| Op_sh of string
| InlineImage of Pdf.pdfobject * Pdf.pdfobject option * Pdfio.bytes
| Op_Do of string
| Op_MP of string
| Op_DP of string * Pdf.pdfobject
| Op_BMC of string
| Op_BDC of string * Pdf.pdfobject
| Op_EMC
| Op_BX
| Op_EX
| Op_Unknown of string
A flat representation of the PDF graphics stream operators. Where the operator contains the asterisk character (not allowable in OCaml syntax), a prime is substituted.
val parse_single_stream : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdfio.bytes -> t list
Parse a single byte streams to an operator list given a document and resource dictionary.
val parse_stream : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdfio.bytes list -> t list
Parse a list of byte streams to an operator list given a document and resource dictionary.
val concat_bytess : Pdfio.bytes list -> Pdfio.bytes
Concatenate a list bytes, padding with whitespace between.
val parse_operators : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdf.pdfobject list -> t list
Given a pdf document, resource dictionary and list of streams representing the graphics content (PDF allows a single page's graphics content to be split over several streams), return a list of operators. Raises PDFError on bad content.
val stream_of_ops : t list -> Pdf.pdfobject
Flatten a list of operators to an uncompressed PDF stream.
val string_of_op : t -> string
Make a string of a single operator (for debug purposes).
val string_of_ops : t list -> string
Same as string_of_op
, but of several operators (for debug purposes).
val components : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdf.pdfobject -> int
Given a pdf, a resources dictionary and a colourspace dictionary, give the number of bytes per pixel in the stored image data.
val debug : bool ref
When this reference is set, some debug information is printed to Standard Output.