package camlpdf

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val debug : bool ref
val flate_level : int ref
val get_streamchar : int ref -> Pdfio.input -> char
exception Couldn'tDecodeStream of string
exception DecodeNotSupported of string
val encode_ASCIIHex : Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val char_of_hex : char -> char -> char
val decode_ASCIIHex : Pdfio.input -> Pdfio.bytes
val decode_5bytes : char -> char -> char -> char -> char -> int -> char list -> char list
val conso : char list -> char list -> char list
val decode_ASCII85_i : Pdfio.input -> char list -> char list -> Pdfio.bytes
val decode_ASCII85 : Pdfio.input -> Pdfio.bytes
val encode_4bytes : char list -> int * int * int * int * int
val encode_ASCII85 : Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val total_length : int -> string list -> int
val bytes_of_strings_rev : string list -> Pdfio.bytes
val flate_process : ((bytes -> int) -> (bytes -> int -> unit) -> 'a) -> Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val decode_flate_input : Pdfio.input -> Pdfio.bytes
val encode_flate : Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val debug_stream_serial : int ref
val debug_stream : Pdfio.bytes -> unit
val decode_flate : Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val decode_lzw : int -> Pdfio.input -> Pdfio.bytes
val read_white_code : Pdfio.bitstream -> int
val read_black_code : Pdfio.bitstream -> int
type modes =
  1. | Pass
  2. | Horizontal
  3. | Vertical of int
  4. | Uncompressed
  5. | EOFB
val read_mode : Pdfio.bitstream -> modes
val decode_CCITTFax : int -> 'a -> bool -> int -> int -> 'b -> bool -> 'c -> Pdfio.input -> Pdfio.bytes
val get0 : int array -> int -> int
val decode_tiff_predictor : int -> int -> int -> Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val decode_scanline_pair : 'a -> int array -> int array -> int -> 'b -> int -> int array
val decode_predictor : int -> int -> int -> int -> Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val encode_predictor : int -> 'a -> 'b -> int -> Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val encode_runlength : Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val decode_runlength : Pdfio.input -> Pdfio.bytes
type source =
  1. | StreamSource of Pdfio.bytes
  2. | InputSource of Pdfio.input
val decoder : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> source -> string -> Pdfio.bytes
val decode_one : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> source -> Pdfio.bytes
val prepare_decoder : Pdf.t -> (string * Pdf.pdfobject) list -> (string * Pdf.pdfobject) list
val remove_decoder : (string * Pdf.pdfobject) list -> (string * Pdf.pdfobject) list
val decode_pdfstream_onestage : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> unit
val string_of_pdf : (Pdf.pdfobject -> string) ref
val decode_pdfstream : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> unit
val decode_pdfstream_until_unknown : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> unit
val decode_from_input : Pdfio.input -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdfio.bytes option
type encoding =
  1. | ASCIIHex
  2. | ASCII85
  3. | RunLength
  4. | Flate
type predictor =
  1. | TIFF2
  2. | PNGNone
  3. | PNGSub
  4. | PNGUp
  5. | PNGAverage
  6. | PNGPaeth
  7. | PNGOptimum
val name_of_encoding : encoding -> string
val add_encoding : int -> Pdf.t -> encoding -> Pdf.pdfobject -> Pdf.pdfobject
val encoder_of_encoding : encoding -> Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val process_prediction_data : predictor -> int -> Pdfio.bytes -> Pdfio.bytes
val process_prediction : predictor option -> int -> (Pdf.pdfobject * ref -> Pdf.pdfobject * Pdfio.bytes
val encode_pdfstream : Pdf.t -> encoding -> ?predictor:predictor -> ?predictor_columns:int -> Pdf.pdfobject -> unit

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