package camlimages

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type format =
  1. | ILLEGAL

    do not used it

  2. | BYTE
  3. | ASCII
  4. | SHORT
  5. | LONG
  7. | SBYTE
  9. | SSHORT
  10. | SLONG
  12. | FLOAT
  13. | DOUBLE
val string_of_format : format -> string
type unpacked =
  1. | Bytes of int array
  2. | Asciis of string
  3. | Shorts of int array
  4. | Longs of int64 array
  5. | Rationals of (int64 * int64) array
  6. | SBytes of int array
  7. | Undefined of string
  8. | SShorts of int array
  9. | SLongs of int32 array
  10. | SRationals of (int32 * int32) array
  11. | Floats of float array
  12. | Doubles of float array

    Constructors start with "S" are signed.

val unpack : format -> int -> string -> unpacked

unpack format components packed components are the number of elements in packed, not the bytes of packed.

val format : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unpacked -> unit