Module type
Class type
A command is a particular rule for reacting to what is said on IRC. Typically, a command takes a Core.t
(to be able to answer and perform IRC actions) and an input message, and it decides whether to do something or not based on the message.
The command returns a res
, which specifies whether it successfully "caught" the message (no need then for other commands to run), if it didn't react ("skip") so we can try the other commands, or whether it failed when trying to answer.
type t = {
prio : int;
Priority. The lower, the more urgent this command is.
*)match_ : prefix:string -> Core.t -> Core.privmsg -> res;
How to react to incoming messages
*)name : string;
Name of the command
*)descr : string;
For !help
A command, bundling some metadata (name + descr, used for "!help"), a priority (used to run some commands before the others), and the answering function itself
val match_prefix1 :
prefix:string ->
cmd:string ->
Core.privmsg ->
string option
match_prefix1 ~prefix:"foo" msg
msg="!foo bar"
, returns Some bar
msg="!something else"
, returns None
extract_hl "foo > bar"
returns Some ("foo", "bar")
. Returns None
if it cannot split on ">" cleanly.
val match_prefix1_full :
prefix:string ->
cmd:string ->
Core.privmsg ->
(string * string option) option
val make :
?descr:string ->
?prio:int ->
name:string ->
(prefix:string -> Core.t -> Core.privmsg -> res) ->
Make a command using the given methods. Only the name and matching rules are requested
val make_simple :
?descr:string ->
?prio:int ->
cmd:string ->
(Core.privmsg -> string -> string option Lwt.t) ->
make_simple ~cmd f
matches messages of the form "!cmd xxx", and call f msg "xxx"
. The function returns 0 or 1 line to reply to sender. The function can raise Fail to indicate failure
val make_simple_l :
?descr:string ->
?prio:int ->
cmd:string ->
(Core.privmsg -> string -> string list Lwt.t) ->
Same as make_simple
but replies lines The function can raise Fail to indicate failure
val make_simple_query_l :
?descr:string ->
?prio:int ->
cmd:string ->
(Core.privmsg -> string -> string list Lwt.t) ->
Same as make_simple_l
but replies lines in query (private) The function can raise Fail to indicate failure
Compare by priority. Used to sort a list of commands by their priority.
cmd_help l
build a command help
that print a help message about plugins in l.
val run : prefix:string -> Core.t -> t list -> Core.privmsg -> unit Lwt.t
Execute the commands, in given order, on the message. First command to succeed shortcuts the other ones.