Module type
Class type
ONNX versioning is specified in docs/IR.md and elaborated on in docs/Versioning.md
To be compatible with both proto2 and proto3, we will use a version number that is not defined by the default value but an explicit enum number.
type t =
proto3 requires the first enum value to be zero. We add this just to appease the compiler.
| IR_VERSION_2017_10_10
The version field is always serialized and we will use it to store the version that the graph is generated from. This helps us set up version control. For the IR, we are using simple numbers starting with 0x00000001, which was the version we published on Oct 10, 2017.
| IR_VERSION_2017_10_30
IR_VERSION 2 published on Oct 30, 2017
Added type discriminator to AttributeProto to support proto3 users
| IR_VERSION_2017_11_3
IR VERSION 3 published on Nov 3, 2017
For operator versioning:
Added new message OperatorSetIdProto
Added opset_import in ModelProto
For vendor extensions, added domain in NodeProto
| IR_VERSION_2019_1_22
IR VERSION 4 published on Jan 22, 2019
Relax constraint that initializers should be a subset of graph inputs
Add type BFLOAT16
| IR_VERSION_2019_3_18
IR VERSION 5 published on March 18, 2019
Add message TensorAnnotation.
Add quantization annotation in GraphProto to map tensor with its scale and zero point quantization parameters.
| IR_VERSION_2019_9_19
IR VERSION 6 published on Sep 19, 2019
Add support for sparse tensor constants stored in model.
Add message SparseTensorProto
Add sparse initializers
| IR_VERSION_2020_5_8
IR VERSION 7 published on May 8, 2020
Add support to allow function body graph to rely on multiple external opreator sets.
Add a list to promote inference graph's initializers to global and mutable variables. Global variables are visible in all graphs of the stored models.
Add message TrainingInfoProto to store initialization method and training algorithm. The execution of TrainingInfoProto can modify the values of mutable variables.
Implicitly add inference graph into each TrainingInfoProto's algorithm.
IR VERSION 8 published on <TBD> Introduce TypeProto.SparseTensor Introduce TypeProto.Optional Added a list of FunctionProtos local to the model Deprecated since_version and operator status from FunctionProto