Module type
Class type
Creating widgets and giving life to them
Widgets are simple graphic elements that can react to user interaction. They are the inhabitants of your GUI house. When a widget is woken up by some event, it can talk to another widget by means of a connection
A connection has a source widget and a target widget. When the source widget receives a specified event, the connection is activated, executing a specified function, which is called action
An action is always executed in a new Thread (and hence will not block the GUI), unless the priority Main
is specified.
If a widget possess several connections which react to the same event, the order of execution of these connections is the same as the order they were registered.
type action = t -> t -> Tsdl.Sdl.event -> unit
An action is a function with three parameters w1 w2 ev
, where w1
is the source widget, w2
the target widget, and ev
the event (Trigger.t
) that triggered the action.
The action should regularly verify Trigger.should_exit
and quickly exit when that function returns true
What happens when an event triggers an action while the same action (= same connection id) is already running? Several behaviours are possible, depending on the following action_priority
val connect :
t ->
t ->
action ->
?priority:action_priority ->
?update_target:bool ->
?join:connection ->
Trigger.t list ->
connect source target action triggers
creates a connection from the source
widget to the target
widget, but does not register it (this may change in the future...). Once it is registered (either by Main.create
or add_connection
), and assuming that the layout containing the source widget has focus, then when an event ev
matches one of the triggers
list, the action
is executed with arguments source target ev
val connect_main :
t ->
t ->
action ->
?update_target:bool ->
?join:connection ->
Trigger.t list ->
Alias for connect ~priority:Main
. Should be used for very fast actions that can be run in the main thread.
val add_connection : t -> connection -> unit
Registers the connection with the widget. This should systematically be done after each connection creation, when the connection is created after Main.create
Connections that are created before Main.create
should rather be passed as argument to Main.create
, and not via add_connection
. Although this is not strictly necessary, this indicates that these connections are more 'pure' or at least more static, in the sense that they will not be modified by Bogue. These are usually much easier to debug.
is separated from connect
because it is not pure: it mutates the widget. This might change in future versions.
val update : t -> unit
update w
asks the widget w
to refresh at next frame. The most probable use of update
is within the code of an action
. It can happen that the action modifies the visual state of a widget that is neither the source or the target, and then one needs to explicitly tell this widget to re-draw itself.
on_release ~release:f w
registers on the widget w
the action f
, which will be executed when the mouse button is released on this widget. Uses priority=Main
Similar to on_release
but specialised to button widgets. It also checks the key used to activate buttons (currently, the Return key).
As a general rule, widgets should be created using the functions below, which belong to the Widget module and create an element of type t
. However, for some specialized usage, additional features may be available from the widget underlying module (eg. Label
, Box
, etc.). See the conversion functions below.
Create a Box widget, which simply displays a rectangle, optionally with rounded corners and drop shadow. It is often used for the background of a group of widgets (i.e. a Layout.t
The standard on/off check boxes.
val check_box : ?state:bool -> ? -> unit -> t
val set_check_state : t -> bool -> unit
Use this for multi-line text.
val text_display : ?w:int -> ?h:int -> string -> t
val rich_text : ?size:int -> ?w:int -> ?h:int -> Text_display.words list -> t
val verbatim : string -> t
val html : ?w:int -> ?h:int -> string -> t
Display basic html text by interpreting the following tags: <em>,</em>,
<b>,</b>, <strong>,</strong>, <u>, </u>, <p>,</p>, <br>
and also a color selector with <font color="???">, </font>
. The "???" string should be replaced by a color code, either RGB like "#40E0D0" of "#12C" or RGBA, or a color name like "darkturquoise".
val label :
?size:int ->
?fg:Draw.color ->
?font:Label.font ->
? ->
?align:Draw.align ->
string ->
Create a Label widget with a one-line text.
val icon : ?size:int -> ?fg:Draw.color -> string -> t
Create a Label widget with a FontAwesome icon.
For instance icon ~size:24 "star"
creates a widget that displays the "fa-star" fontawesome icon.
val empty : ?unload:(unit -> unit) -> w:int -> h:int -> unit -> t
Create a widget that does not display anything but still gets focus and reacts to events. Optionally, execute an action when the widget is not "used" anymore (that is to say when the containing layout is removed from the board.)
val image :
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
?bg:Draw.color ->
?noscale:bool ->
?angle:float ->
string ->
Load image file.
val image_from_svg : ?w:int -> ?h:int -> ?bg:Draw.color -> string -> t
Requires rsvg
Return a new "Image" widget linked to the same image (same underlying Image.t
, hence same texture.)
val text_input :
?text:string ->
?prompt:string ->
?size:int ->
?filter:Text_input.filter ->
?max_size:int ->
unit ->
is the font size. max_size
is the maximum number of chars allowed. The prompt
is used to display a message when there is no user input. It also influences the size of the widget.
val button :
?kind:Button.kind ->
?label:Label.t ->
?label_on:Label.t ->
?label_off:Label.t ->
?fg:Draw.color ->
?bg_on:Style.background ->
?bg_off:Style.background ->
?bg_over:Style.background option ->
?state:bool ->
?border_radius:int ->
?border_color:Draw.color ->
?action:(bool -> unit) ->
string ->
val slider :
?priority:action_priority ->
?step:int ->
?value:int ->
?kind:Slider.kind ->
?var:(int Avar.t, int) Tvar.t ->
?length:int ->
?thickness:int ->
?tick_size:int ->
?lock:bool ->
?w:int ->
?h:int ->
int ->
val slider_with_action :
?priority:action_priority ->
?step:int ->
?kind:Slider.kind ->
value:int ->
?length:int ->
?thickness:int ->
?tick_size:int ->
action:(int -> unit) ->
int ->
Create a slider that executes an action each time the local value of the slider is modified by the user.
You can use an Sdl_area widget to draw whatever you want using all the power of the SDL Renderer API.
See Sdl_area.create
regarding the size (w,h)
let b,l = check_box_with_label text
creates a check box b
, a label l
, and connect them so that clicking on the text will also act on the check box.
These generic functions work on all types of widgets, and emit an error in the log (without raising any exception) whenever the type of the argument makes no sense for the function.
These functions are very handy, but sometimes can hide a bug. For instance if you want to use get_state t
, while you know that t
should always be of type Button
, then it will help debugging to use instead the slightly longer form Button.state
(get_button t)
. Indeed the latter will fail if t
happens not to be a Button.
val get_state : t -> bool
Query a boolean state. Works for Button and Check.
val get_text : t -> string
Return the text of the widget. Works for Button, TextDisplay, Label, and TextInput.
val size : t -> int * int
If the widget is not rendered yet, a default size may be returned instead of the true size.
val set_state : t -> bool -> unit
Set a boolean state. Works for Button and Check.
val set_text : t -> string -> unit
Change the text of a widget. Works for Button, TextDisplay, Label, and TextInput.
val set_cursor : t -> Tsdl.Sdl.cursor option -> unit
Set the cursor that should be displayed for this widget. Note that the Sdl functions for creating cursor are only available after SDL initialization. One can use a Lazy
type or Sync.push
for delaying their execution.
(Or: frontend to backend.) These functions raise Invalid_argument
whenever their argument is not of the correct type.
val get_sdl_area : t -> Sdl_area.t
val get_text_display : t -> Text_display.t
val get_text_input : t -> Text_input.t