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in-package search v0.2.0
exception FailToComputeFinalExponentiation of Fq12.t
val miller_loop : (G1.t * G2.t) list -> Fq12.t
val miller_loop_simple : G1.t -> G2.t -> Fq12.t
Compute the miller loop on a single tuple of point
val pairing : G1.t -> G2.t -> Fq12.t
Compute a pairing result of a list of points
val final_exponentiation_opt : Fq12.t -> Fq12.t option
Compute the final exponentiation of the given point. Returns a None if the point is null
val final_exponentiation_exn : Fq12.t -> Fq12.t
Compute the final exponentiation of the given point. Raise FailToComputeFinalExponentiation if the point is null