package bistro-bio

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val img : Bistro.container_image list
type 'a input
val gff : Formats.gff input
module Cmd : sig ... end
val slop : ?strand:bool -> ?header:bool -> mode: [ `both of int | `left of int | `right of int | `both_pct of float | `left_pct of float | `right_pct of float ] -> 'a input -> 'a Bistro.file -> Ucsc_gb.chrom_sizes Bistro.file -> 'a Bistro.file
val intersect : ?ubam:bool -> ?wa:bool -> ?wb:bool -> ?loj:bool -> ?wo:bool -> ?wao:bool -> ?u:bool -> ?c:bool -> ?v:bool -> ?f:float -> ?_F:float -> ?r:bool -> ?e:bool -> ?s:bool -> ?_S:bool -> ?split:bool -> ?sorted:bool -> ?g:Ucsc_gb.chrom_sizes Bistro.file -> ?header:bool -> ?filenames:bool -> ?sortout:bool -> 'a input -> 'a Bistro.file -> Formats.bed3 Bistro.file list -> 'a Bistro.file
val bamtobed : ?bed12:bool -> ?split:bool -> ?splitD:bool -> ?ed:bool -> ?tag:bool -> ?cigar:bool -> Formats.bam Bistro.file -> Formats.bed6 Bistro.file
val closest : ?strand:[ `same | `opposite ] -> ?io:bool -> ?iu:bool -> ?id:bool -> ?fu:bool -> ?fd:bool -> ?ties:[ `all | `first | `last ] -> ?mdb:[ `each | `all ] -> ?k:int -> ?header:bool -> 'a input -> 'a Bistro.file -> Formats.bed3 Bistro.file list -> 'a Bistro.file
val merge : ?s:bool -> ?_S:[ `minus | `plus ] -> ?d:int -> ?c:int list -> ?o: [ `absmin | `collapse | `count | `count_distinct | `distinct | `max | `mean | `median | `min | `sum ] list -> Formats.bed3 Bistro.file list -> Formats.bed3 Bistro.file

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