package binsec

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module type Common = sig ... end

Bitvector representation

type t
include Common with type t := t and type boolean = bool
val create : Z.t -> int -> t
val create_from_tuple : (Z.t * int) -> t
val value_of : t -> Z.t
val signed_of : t -> Z.t
val size_of : t -> int
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val zero : t
val one : t
val zeros : int -> t
val ones : int -> t
val fill : ?lo:int -> ?hi:int -> int -> t

fill lo hi n returns a bitvector of size n where bits from lo to hi are set to one. By default, lo is equal to zero and hi is equal to n. Raise Invalid_argument if lo or hi have incoherent values.

val is_zero : t -> bool
val is_one : t -> bool

is_zero t (resp. is_one t) checks if t is equal to zero (resp. one)

val is_zeros : t -> bool
val is_ones : t -> bool
val is_fill : t -> bool

is_zeros t (resp. is_ones t) checks if it exists n such that t is equal to zeros n (resp. ones n)

val max_ubv : int -> t
val max_sbv : int -> t
val min_sbv : int -> t

max_ubv n (resp. max_sbv n) returns a bitvector of size n containing the biggest possible unsigned (resp. signed) value for its size

val is_max_ubv : t -> bool
val is_max_sbv : t -> bool
val is_min_sbv : t -> bool

is_max_ubv t (resp. is_max_sbv t) returns true if t is a bitvector containing the biggest possible unsigned (resp. signed) value for its size, or returns false otherwise

include Sigs.COMPARISON with type t := t and type boolean = bool with type boolean = bool
type boolean = bool
val equal : t -> t -> boolean
val diff : t -> t -> boolean
val ule : t -> t -> boolean
val uge : t -> t -> boolean
val ult : t -> t -> boolean
val ugt : t -> t -> boolean
val sle : t -> t -> boolean
val sge : t -> t -> boolean
val slt : t -> t -> boolean
val sgt : t -> t -> boolean
include Sigs.ARITHMETIC with type t := t
val add : t -> t -> t
val sub : t -> t -> t
val mul : t -> t -> t
val neg : t -> t
val udiv : t -> t -> t
val umod : t -> t -> t
val urem : t -> t -> t
val sdiv : t -> t -> t
val smod : t -> t -> t
val srem : t -> t -> t
val pow : t -> t -> t
val succ : t -> t
val pred : t -> t
val add_int : t -> int -> t
val umax : t -> t -> t
val umin : t -> t -> t
val smax : t -> t -> t
val smin : t -> t -> t
val is_neg : t -> bool
val is_pos : t -> bool

is_neg t (resp. is_pos t) returns true if the signed interpretation of t is strictly negative (resp. strictly positive)

include Sigs.BITWISE with type t := t
include Sigs.EXTENDED_LOGICAL with type t := t
include Sigs.LOGICAL with type t := t
val logand : t -> t -> t
val logor : t -> t -> t
val lognot : t -> t
val logxor : t -> t -> t
include Sigs.SHIFT_ROT with type t := t and type index := int
val shift_left : t -> int -> t
val shift_right : t -> int -> t
val shift_right_signed : t -> int -> t
val rotate_left : t -> int -> t
val rotate_right : t -> int -> t
val reduce : t -> int -> t
val extend : t -> int -> t
val extend_signed : t -> int -> t
val extend_unsafe : t -> int -> t
val num_bits : t -> int
val get_bit : t -> int -> bool
val set_bit : t -> int -> t
val clear_bit : t -> int -> t
val flip_bit : t -> int -> t
val append : t -> t -> t
val concat : t list -> t

concat bv1, bv2, ..., bvn is bv1 @ bv2 @ ... @ bvn

val extract : t -> int Basic_types.interval -> t

Creation functions

val rand : int -> t

rand sz creates a bitvector of size sz with random value

val of_bool : bool -> t
val to_bool : t -> bool
val of_char : char -> t
val to_char : t -> char
val of_int32 : int32 -> t

of_int32 n creates a bitvector of size 32 and value n

val to_int32 : t -> int32
val of_int64 : int64 -> t

of_int64 n creates a bitvector of size 64 and value n

val to_int64 : t -> int64
val of_int : size:int -> int -> t
val to_int : t -> int
val to_uint : t -> int
val of_bits : string -> t

of_bits s cast an ascii string s to its bitvector representation.

val of_string : string -> t

of_string s converts a string s whose format respects (+-)?0xb0-9+ i.e., hex and bin strings

Otherwise raises Invalid_argument

val to_string : t -> string

to_string s converts a bitvector to hexadecimal notation (if size is a multiple of 4) or to binary (otherwise).

val of_hexstring : string -> t

of_hexstring is an alias for of_string

val to_bitstring : t -> string

to_bitstring bv returns the binary string representation of bv, i.e., the string "0b"[01]+ with the same value and size as bv.

val to_hexstring : t -> string

to_hexstring bv returns the hex string representation of bv, i.e., the string "0x"[0-9a-f]+ with the same value and size as bv.

val to_asciistring : t -> string

to_asciistring bv returns the ascii string representation of bv.

Printing functions

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp ppf bv prints the decimal value of bv into ppf

val pp_hex : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp_hex ppf bv prints the hexadecimal value of bv into ppf

val pp_hex_or_bin : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp_hex ppf bv prints the hexadecimal value of bv into ppf if possible, else prints the binary value of bv.

val print : t -> string

print bv behaves like pp Format.str_formatter bv; Format.flush_str_formatter ()

module Collection : Sigs.Collection with type t := t

Innovation. Community. Security.