package base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type key
type 'data t
val create : unit -> 'data t

Creates a new empty dictionary.

val of_alist : (key * 'data) list -> [ `Ok of 'data t | `Duplicate_key of key ]

Dictionary containing the given key/value pairs. Fails if there are duplicate keys.

val of_alist_report_all_dups : (key * 'data) list -> [ `Ok of 'data t | `Duplicate_keys of key list ]

Like of_alist. On failure, provides all duplicate keys instead of a single representative.

val of_alist_or_error : (key * 'data) list -> 'data t Or_error.t

Like of_alist. Returns a Result.t.

val of_alist_exn : (key * 'data) list -> 'data t

Like of_alist. Raises on duplicates.

val of_alist_multi : (key * 'data) list -> 'data list t

Produces a dictionary mapping each key to a list of associated values.

val create_mapped : get_key:('a -> key) -> get_data:('a -> 'data) -> 'a list -> [ `Ok of 'data t | `Duplicate_keys of key list ]

Like of_alist. Consume a list of elements for which key/value pairs can be computed.

val create_with_key : get_key:('data -> key) -> 'data list -> [ `Ok of 'data t | `Duplicate_keys of key list ]

Like of_alist. Consume values for which keys can be computed.

val create_with_key_or_error : get_key:('data -> key) -> 'data list -> 'data t Or_error.t

Like of_alist_or_error. Consume values for which keys can be computed.

val create_with_key_exn : get_key:('data -> key) -> 'data list -> 'data t

Like of_alist_exn. Consume values for which keys can be computed.

val group : get_key:('a -> key) -> get_data:('a -> 'data) -> combine:('data -> 'data -> 'data) -> 'a list -> 'data t

Like create_mapped. Multiple values for a key are combined rather than producing an error.


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