package bap-std

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A BIL model of CPU

In general this is a model of a processor architecture, involving ALU, processing unit, registers and memory.

The definitions in this module are so generic, that they present on all processors.

val gpr : Var.Set.t

A set of general purpose registers

val mem : var


val sp : var

Stack pointer

Flag registers
val zf : var

zero flag

val cf : var

carry flag

val vf : var

overflow flag

val nf : var

negative flag


val is_reg : var -> bool

is_reg var true if var is a processor register

val is_flag : var -> bool

is_flag reg is true if reg is a flag register

val is_sp : var -> bool

is_sp x = Var.same x sp

val is_bp : var -> bool

is_bp x is true if x can be possibly used as a base pointer register.

val is_zf : var -> bool

is_zf x = Var.same x zf

val is_cf : var -> bool

is_cf x = Var.same x cf

val is_vf : var -> bool

is_vf x = Var.same x vf

val is_nf : var -> bool

is_nf x = Var.same x nf

val is_mem : var -> bool

is_mem x = Var.same x mem


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