package bap-std

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Reconstructed symbol table.

This data structure holds information about functions that were found in the executable.

type t = symtab

symbol table

val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
type fn = string * block * cfg

(name,entry,graph) a simple representation of a function

val sexp_of_fn : fn -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val empty : t

empty symbol table

val add_symbol : t -> fn -> t

add_symbol table name entry blocks extends table with a new symbol with a given name, entry block and body blocks.

val remove : t -> fn -> t

remove table fn removes symbol fn from table

val find_by_name : t -> string -> fn option

find_by_name symbols name finds a symbol with a given namem

val find_by_start : t -> addr -> fn option

find_by_start symbols addr finds a symbol that starts from a given address

val owners : t -> addr -> fn list

owners addr return a list of functions that owns addr

val dominators : t -> mem -> fn list

dominators syms mem returns a list of functions that dominates over provided memory region mem

val intersecting : t -> mem -> fn list

intersecting_mem syms mem returns a list of functions, that resides in memory region mem

val to_sequence : t -> fn seq

to_sequence symtab returns a sequence of functions

val span : fn -> unit memmap

span fn returns a memory map of a region occupied by a function fn


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