package bap-std

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A visitor with a shortcut. Finder is a specialization of a visitor, that uses return as its folding argument. At any time you can stop the traversing by calling return function of the provided argument (which is by itself is a record with one field - a function accepting argument of type 'a option).

For example, the following function will check whether x variable is assigned (i.e., occurs on the left of the assignment operator) in the provided scope.

let is_assigned x = find (object(self)
    inherit [unit] finder
    method! enter_move y _rhs cc =
      if Var.(x = y) then cc.return (Some ()); cc

There're three find functions in the library, that accepts an object of type finder:

  • Bil.finder searches in the stmt list aka bil
  • Stmt.finder searches in stmt
  • Exp.finder searches in exp.

In addition, you can use this object directly, using one of the two provided entry points.

inherit 'a option Core_kernel.return visitor
method find : t list -> 'a option

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