package bap-std
Knowledge base analyses.
A registry of the knowledge base computations that could be used for exploring and refining the facts stored in the knowledge base.
An analysis could be parameterized by an arbitrary number of arguments, e.g., to register a function print_subr
that has type
tid -> string -> Bitvec.t -> unit knowledge
use the following code
let open Project.Analysis in
register ~package "subroutine"
(args @@ unit $ string $ bitvec)
The registered analyses could be invoked directly, using the Analysis.apply
function or via the analysis
plugin that provides a REPL as well as an ability to call analysis from the command-line interface or from a script. To get the list of available analyses, run `bap analyze commands`.
a signature of an analysis.
The 'r
type denotes the return type of an analysis, which is always unit knowledge
and the 'a
type variable denotes the function type of the analysis, e.g., an analysis of type
tid -> Bitvec.t -> unit knowledge
will have the following args type
(tid -> Bitvec.t -> unit knowledge, unit knowledge) args
val apply : t -> string list -> unit Bap_knowledge.knowledge
apply analysis
is the computation performed by the analysis.
val find : ?package:string -> string -> t option
find ?package string
searches the analysis with the given name in the registry.
val name : info -> Bap_knowledge.Knowledge.Name.t
name info
is the analysis unique name.
val desc : info -> string
desc info
is the short description of the analysis
val register :
?desc:string ->
?package:string ->
string ->
('a, unit Bap_knowledge.knowledge) args ->
'a ->
register ?desc ?package name comp
registers the knowledge computation as an analysis. The package:name
pair should be unique.
val registered : unit -> info list
information about currently registered analyses
args x
a unary signature.
Creates a signature of a function that takes one argument. The type 'a
of the argument and its syntax are represented by the value of type 'a arg
args empty
-- a function of type
unit -> 'r
args string
-- a function of type
string -> 'r
Note, while the 'r
type is kept as a variable it will be concretized to the unit knowledge
when the function of this type will be registered using the register
args $ arg
appends arg
to args
If args
denote a signature of a function with type x -> y
and arg
has type z
, then args $ arg
denote a signature of type x -> y -> z
args string $ bitvec $ program
- denotes a function of type string -> Bitvec.t -> Theory.Label.t -> 'r
A note on the type
The type of the $
makes a little bit more clear if we will consider the following example, args string $ bitvec
, where
args string
has type(string -> 'r,'r) args
has typeBitvec.t arg
The type of args string $ bitvec
is computed by unifying string -> 'r
with 'a
and 'r
with 'b -> 'c
, where 'b
is Bitvec.t
. A syntactic unification gives us the following values for the variables 'r
and 'a
'r = Bitvec.t -> 'c
'a = string -> 'r = string -> Bitvec.t -> 'c
Therefore the type of args string $ bitvec
('a,'c) args = (string -> Bitvec.t -> 'c,'c) args
Grammar Rules
val empty : unit arg
no arguments.
The syntax is an empty string and the signature is a unary function that takes an argument of type unit
val string : string arg
a string argument.
The syntax is a string of characters that does not include whitespaces.
a bitvector.
The syntax is described in the Bitvec.of_string
and is a non-negative binary, octal, hexadecimal, or decimal numeral.
val program : Bap_core_theory.Theory.Label.t arg
a program label.
The syntax is a textual representation of the knowledge base symbol (Knowledge.Symbol
). Unqualified names are read in the current package.
Examples, 0x88f0
or bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-echo:0x88f0
val unit : Bap_core_theory.Theory.Unit.t arg
a program unit.
The syntax is a textual representation of the knowledge base symbol (Knowledge.Symbol
). Unqualified names are read in the current package.
Examples, file:/bin/ls
or my-unit
val argument :
?desc:string ->
(fail:(string -> _ Bap_knowledge.knowledge) ->
string ->
'a Bap_knowledge.knowledge) ->
string ->
'a arg
argument ~parse name
defines a new terminal.
The name
denotes the name of the rule as it will appear in the grammar definition. The parse
function defines the grammar, it is called as parse fail input
where input
is the value of type string
. The parse
function should either produce a value of type 'a
if input
is a valid representation or use fail error
to indicate that it is invalid, where error
is the error message.
The parse
function is a knowledge computation so it can access the knowledge base to construct the value.
optional x
an optional argument x
The syntax of args xs $ optional x
is <xs> [<x>]
, where <x>
denotes the syntax of the argument x
, []
indicates that it can be omitted, and <xs>
is the grammar of the signature xs
. An optional argument should be the last argument in the signature, otherwise the resulting grammar will be ambiguous.
Example, the grammar of
args string $ optional bitvec
recognizes the following strings,
- ["hello"]
- ["hello 0x42"]
keyword s x
an optional keyworded argument x
The syntax of args xs $ keyword s x
<xs> [:<s> <x>]
, where <x>
denotes the syntax of the argument x
, []
indicates that it can be omitted, :<s>
is the literal string ":<s>"
, where <s>
is equal to s
, and <xs>
is the grammar of the signature xs
. If a grammar includes several keyworded arguments they may follow in an arbitrary order.
Example, the grammar of
args @@
keyword "foo" string $
keyword "bar" bitvec
recognizes the following strings,
- [""]
- [":foo hello"]
- [":bar 0x42"]
- [":foo hello :bar 0x42"]
- [":bar 0x42 :foo hello"]
val flag : string -> bool arg
flag x
a keyword x
without arguments.
The syntax of args xs $ flag s
<xs> [:<s>]
, where []
indicates that it can be omitted, :s
is the literal string ":<s>"
, where <s>
is equal to s
, and <xs>
is the grammar of the signature xs
. If a grammar includes several flags they may follow in an arbitrary order.
Example, the grammar of
args @@
flag "foo" $
flag "bar"
recognizes the following strings,
- [""]
- [":foo hello"]
- [":bar 0x42"]
- [":foo hello :bar 0x42"]
- [":bar 0x42 :foo hello"]
- and so on.
rest x
a zero or more x
The syntax of args xs $ rest x
<xs> [<x>]...
, where []...
indicates that an argument can be omitted or repeated an arbitrary number of times, <x>
is syntax of the agument x
, and <xs>
is the grammar of the signature xs
. The rest x
argument should be the last argument in the signature, and any extensions of the resulting signature will lead to an ambiguous grammar.
Example, the grammar of
args string $ rest bitvec
recognizes the following strings,
- ["hello"]
- ["hello 0x42"]
- ["hello 0x42 42"]
- and so on
module Grammar : sig ... end
Abstract Grammar descriptions.