package bap-std
iterators lifter to the Or_error monad
fold ~word_size ~init ~f t
folds over elements of t
, so a result is f (... (f (f a elt_1) elt_2) ...) elt_n
iter ~word_size ~f t
applies f
to elements of t
foldi ~word_size ~init ~f t
is like fold
, but also passes an address to the f
iteri ~word_size ~f t
is like iter
, but also passes an address to the f
exists ~word_size ~f t
checks if at least one element of t
satisfies the predicate f
for_all ~word_size ~f t
checks if all elements of t
satisfies the predicate f
count ~word_size ~f t
is the number of elements in t
that satisfies the predicate f
find_if ~word_size ~f t
returns the first element of t
that satisfies the predicate p
or None if no elements satisfied
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)">