package bam
Module type
Class type
Main module defining basic generators.
module Shrinker : sig ... end
This module contains the various strinking strategies which can be used with the generators below.
type 'a t = 'a Gen.t
The type of random generators.
val return : 'a -> 'a t
return v
is a generator for a constant value v
bind gen f
returns a new generator depending on another generator. This should be the main building block to construct new generator. To understand how shrinking works with this operator please read shrinking
root gen f
applies f
on the original value generated by gen
and forgets about the shrinking. Hence, f
is always applied to a single value. More details in shrinking
crunch i gen
returns a new generator with a more aggressive shrinking. It increases the number of values that will be used during the shrinking. More details in shrinking
val int : ?shrinker:int Shrinker.t -> ?min:int -> ?max:int -> unit -> int t
int ?shrinker ?(min=0) ?(max=Int.max_int) ()
is a generator for integers. min
is inclusive while max
is exclusive.
Default strategy is Shrinker.t.Int
val int32 :
?shrinker:int32 Shrinker.t ->
?min:int32 ->
?max:int32 ->
unit ->
int32 t
int ?shrinker ?(min=0) ?(max=Int.max_int) ()
is a generator for integers. min
is inclusive while max
is exclusive.
Default strategy is Shrinker.t.Int
val int64 :
?shrinker:int64 Shrinker.t ->
?min:int64 ->
?max:int64 ->
unit ->
int64 t
int ?shrinker ?(min=0) ?(max=Int.max_int) ()
is a generator for integers. min
is inclusive while max
is exclusive.
Default strategy is Shrinker.t.Int
val float :
?shrinker:float Shrinker.t ->
?min:float ->
?max:float ->
unit ->
float t
float ?shrinker ?(min=0.) ?(max=Float.max_float) ()
generates integers. min
is inclusive while max
is exclusive.
Default strategy is Shrinker.t.Float
val pair : ?shrinker:('a * 'b) Shrinker.t -> 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
pair ?shrinker left right ()
generates a pair using the left
and right
Default strategy is Shrinker.t.Pair_left
val bool : ?shrinker:bool Shrinker.t -> unit -> bool t
bool ?shrinker ()
generates a boolean.x
Default strategy is Shrinker.t.Bool
val char : ?shrinker:Char.t Shrinker.t -> ?printable:bool -> unit -> char t
char ?shrinker ?(printable=true) ()
generates a char.
Default strategy is Shrinker.t.Char
val list : ?shrinker:'a list Shrinker.t -> size:int t -> 'a t -> 'a list t
list ?shrinker ~size gen ()
generates a list of values using gen
Default strategy is Shrinker.t.Prefix
string ?shrinker ?char ~size ()
is mostly an alias for list
?shrinker ~char:(char ())
bytes ?shrinker ?char ~size ()
is mostly an alias for list
?shrinker ~char:(char ~printable:false ()) ()
val oneof : ?shrinker:int Shrinker.t -> (int * 'a t) list -> 'a t
oneof ?shrinker list
pick one generator of the list according to the distribution defined by the first elements of the list.
Default strategy is the same as for int
. This generator can be thought as a repeated list of generators. The shrinker will choose particular index from the list.
val oneofg : ?shrinker:int Shrinker.t -> 'a t list -> 'a t
oneofg ?shrinker list
is an alias for oneof ?shrinker ( (fun gen -> (1, gen)) list)
val oneofl : ?shrinker:int Shrinker.t -> 'a list -> 'a t
oneofl ?shrinker list
is an alias for oneofg ?shrinker ( Gen.return list
module Syntax : sig ... end