package b0

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Build units.

A build unit is a named build procedure with metadata associated to it. Build units are the smallest unit of build in B0.

Build procedures

type build

The type for builds, see B0_build.

type proc = build -> unit B0_std.Fut.t

The type for unit build procedures. Note that when the future determines the build may not be finished.

val proc_nop : proc

proc_nop does nothing.


type action = build -> t -> args:string list -> B0_std.Os.Exit.t B0_std.Fut.t

The type for unit outcome actions. Defines an action to perform on build results. args are command line argument passed on the command line.

For example for executables a natural action is to execv them directly or via their runtime (see Action.exec). For built document files it can be to (re)load them in their corresponding viewer application, etc.

TODO. This is not a final design, see unit actions.

and t

The type for build units.

val v : ?doc:string -> ?meta:B0_meta.t -> ?action:action -> string -> proc -> t

v n proc ~doc ~meta ~action is a build unit named n with build procedure proc, synopsis doc and metada meta.

val proc : t -> proc

proc u are the unit's build procedure.

val action : t -> action option

action is the unit's outcome action.


module Action : sig ... end

B0 definition API

include B0_def.S with type t := t

Named values

val define : ?doc:string -> ?meta:B0_meta.t -> string -> B0_def.def

define ~doc ~meta n defines name n in the current scope with documentation string doc (defaults to "undocumented")e and metadata meta (defaults to B0_meta.empty). Defining a duplicate value in a scope raises Duplicate.

val def_kind : string

def_kind is the kind of defined value.

val def : t -> B0_def.def

def v is the definition of value v.

val name : t -> string

name v is v's name.

val basename : t -> string

basename v is v's name without the scope.

val doc : t -> string

doc v is v's documentation string.

val equal : t -> t -> bool

equal v0 v1 is true iff v0 and v1 have the same name.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare v0 v1 sorts v0 and v0 in lexicographical order.


val meta : t -> B0_meta.t

meta v is v's metadata.

val has_meta : 'a B0_meta.key -> t -> bool

has_meta k u is B0_meta.mem k (B0_unit.meta u).

val find_meta : 'a B0_meta.key -> t -> 'a option

find_meta k u is B0_meta.find k (B0_unit.meta u).

val get_meta : 'a B0_meta.key -> t -> ('a, string) result

get_meta m k u is Ok v if find_meta k u is Some v and a final user friendly error message if None.

Add & Lookup

val add : t -> unit

add v adds the value v to the list of defined values.

val list : unit -> t list

list () is the list of units.

val find : string -> t option

find n is the value named n (if any).

val get : string -> t

get n looks up the value named n and errors the B0 file if there no such n.

val get_or_suggest : string -> (t, t list) result

get_or_suggest n is the value named n or a (possibly empty) list of suggested values whose name could match n.

val get_or_hint : string -> (t, string) result

get_or_hint n is the value named n or an error message that indicates that n could not be found with suggested names.

val get_list_or_hint : ?empty_means_all:bool -> string list -> (t list, string) result

get_list_or_hint ns are the value named ns or an error that indicates the names that could not be found with suggested names. If empty_means_all is true (defaults to false) an empty ns returns list () sorted by name.


val pp_name_str : string B0_std.Fmt.t

pp_name_str v pretty prints value names.

val pp_name : t B0_std.Fmt.t

pp_name v formats v's name.

val pp_doc : t B0_std.Fmt.t

pp_doc formats v's doc string.

val pp_synopsis : t B0_std.Fmt.t

pp_synopsis formats v's name and its doc string.

val pp : t B0_std.Fmt.t

pp formats v 's name, its doc string and its metadata dictionary.

Value set and maps

module Set : Set.S with type elt = t

Value sets.

module Map : Map.S with type key = t

Value maps.


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