package awa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val make : ?authenticator:Keys.authenticator -> user:string -> [ `Pubkey of Hostkey.priv | `Password of string ] -> t * Cstruct.t list
type event = [
  1. | `Established of int32
  2. | `Channel_data of int32 * Cstruct.t
  3. | `Channel_stderr of int32 * Cstruct.t
  4. | `Channel_eof of int32
  5. | `Channel_exit_status of int32 * int32
  6. | `Disconnected
val pp_event : Format.formatter -> event -> unit
val incoming : t -> Mtime.t -> Cstruct.t -> (t * Cstruct.t list * event list, string) result
val outgoing_request : t -> ?id:int32 -> ?want_reply:bool -> Ssh.channel_request -> (t * Cstruct.t, string) result
val outgoing_data : t -> ?id:int32 -> Cstruct.t -> (t * Cstruct.t list, string) result

Innovation. Community. Security.